Not Most People
Not Most People
What Comes Next - An Important Update - 102
In this episode, I give an overall update on the podcast and Not Most People in general. Tune in to see where we're at and where we are headed next.
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Hey everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the novels people podcasts. This is your host Bradley, and this is the show for those allergic to mediocrity group. Think and following the status quo. And today's episode is going to be a little bit different. Then the typical episode, but before we get into that, I would just like to remind you guys of my one ask. So whether you are a repeat listener or you're tuned in for the first time. I just asked you guys that if you get value out of this episode or any other episode, that you simply helped me grow the show by sharing it with a friend who you think will also get value. So if you learned something, if you laughed. If it helps you think a new way, I guarantee that there's someone out there that, you know who would do the same for us. So just ask that you share it. And then also leaving a rating or review on apple, Spotify, wherever you're listening or watching, uh, is greatly appreciated as well. So that's it. That's my one ask without further ado, we're going to get into it. Today's episode. It's. It's actually been a while since I've recorded, I'm going to talk all about why that is. But essentially. Uh, it's been, I don't know, three weeks or so since I've published an episode, life has been kind of crazy lately. This is currently June 22nd that I'm recording this. And about a month ago, we had the, not most people summit. So that was kind of the first, really large scale, high end event that we've done with. Not most people. Uh, the plan is for that to be an annual event. And. Doing it any more than that really almost kind of scares me. I mean, the event scared me. I've really bit off. I think more than I could chew in a sense, like in a healthy way. And was forced to kind of figure it out. And this was, you know, I always had a big vision for not most people and especially for the events, which. Really wasn't even a thing a year or two ago in my mind. Uh, so everything's happened very quickly on that end, but. I've been to tons of events. I've been to Tony Robbins. I've been RTA events. I've been to. You know, you name it. I've I've been to a ton of high level personal development. Entrepreneurship focused events. And so every time I've been to those events, I was kind of taking notes, mental notes and said, man, I'm going to do this. One day I'm doing it on my own. I'm going to do it even better. And I really set out to do that. Uh, It really, I learned a lot. It was a huge, huge learning experience. But I would also say that everyone there got value and I haven't talked to a single person who doesn't definitely plan on being at the next one. So again, this one was May 20th weekend and, uh, We'll probably be roughly a year from that, assuming. Things go semi according to plan. So the summit was awesome. It was a three-day event. I, I definitely. You know, just lessons I learned is that I can't do it all myself. I tried to do. You know, the marketing, the logistics, the, you know, Everett, like most of the details I tried to do on my own, I didn't really have a team that sisterly on payroll or anything. I had a lot of great people. Who helped me when it came to organization, promotion volunteering. Speaking. All that good stuff. So I had a lot of people who definitely helped, but I didn't necessarily have the team or the infrastructure built on the backend that I think. Now that I know is, is needed to pull off that kind of event. So. You know, to be totally honest with you. I definitely hit some burnout leading up to the event. I think about two weeks before, uh, I was really debating, not even doing it. Uh, I was just kind of stressed to the max. I had higher expectations in terms of the turnout, then what ended up happening. And so, uh, you know, Like I said, I'll chalk it up to a learning experience in that sense. I think everyone on who attended the event. Absolutely loved it, at least, unless they're just all lying to me, but. From that end, like the value, the speakers, everything was there and super happy with that, but definitely a lot of things that looking back on can be improved. And then also it just really took my whole. Life my whole energy, my whole focus for a solid three months. And. It, it almost kinda. Not made me want to step away, but kind of just burnt me out to the point where I was like, all right, I need to. I need to kind of like, you know, figure out next steps, recoup a little bit. And so that's kind of where I've been the last few weeks. That's why you haven't been seen. A lot of episodes lately. And, you know, after, after kind of stepping away from it, thinking about it a little bit, I realized that from starting the podcast in March of 2021. So a little over two years ago. Uh, up until the summit. I can kind of view that almost as like phase one. Of not most people kind of getting things off the ground. Putting the Alliance together, uh, getting into events, which is something I never really planned on when I started this thing. And then having the summit. That's kind of like the culmination of all that. And then from there, I'm kind of like, all right, let's, let's step back. Let's reassess. How do we kind of change things? How do we evolve and continue to get better? And so to do that, I'm going to be taking. I was kind of almost taken an unofficial break just because I was so behind on creating episodes the last month or so. To where I was like, okay, I'm not going to half-ass it. I'm not going to. You know, pump out episodes inconsistently anymore. I'm not going to. Not put out the highest quality content that I can. And so it really just makes the most sense to take a break. Not so much to just like take a break, to do nothing but a. Plan the next phase of the podcast of not most people that, you know, that goes for the Alliance that goes for events. And now we're 102 episodes in which is kind of crazy to think about. Probably well over a hundred hours of content. So. What I want to do is step back. And start to implement some of these things that I've had on my mind for a while. Uh, when it comes to the content, like I haven't been promoting properly. I haven't been taking advantage of video. And, uh, just a lot of like little things that could be done different or improved upon. And so we're going to be launching phase two of the podcast. In mid August. So we're going to be taking a break. But I definitely want you guys to stay in the loop. So make sure you're following not most people on Facebook on Instagram. YouTube, which, you know, haven't done a whole lot with YouTube yet, but that's definitely one of the things I want to focus on here for, for the next phase. So. Having said that a couple of things that we're going to be kind of changing or adding is the not most people episode guide, which is something I've had on my mind for a while. And what that'll be is we have, like I said, a hundred plus episodes now. And. We've had amazing people from a wide variety of kind of focuses topics and niches. And so if you're looking at like a hundred episodes, you're like, okay, where do I start? Uh, you know, what, where are the fitness and health episodes where I like the psychology and mindset episodes? Where are the business focus ones? We're going to have like a sortable lists that you can go in and just sort by top like general topic. And so it's going to be much easier. To find what you're looking for. I mean, if you just want to listen front to back. Awesome. And just every single episode, that's cool, but I know people coming in now. When we're a hundred episodes in and when they first discover the podcast are like, okay, kind of where do I start? You know, it depends on what they're into, what they want to kind of go find. So I want to make that really easy because. You know, Scrolling back and back. A lot of people think, oh, that's old. You know, I only want to listen to the new stuff, but. Every single episode. Yeah. Every single episode in this podcast is evergreen. So you could go back. You can listen to episode three, episode 28, episode 75, and they're all going to be. Very relevant. And You know, Going to help you going to provide value wherever you're at. It doesn't really matter how long ago that episode was, because we don't really talk too much about current topics. Or anything that kind of like gets dated or, or old, you know what I mean? So I want to make it really easy for you guys to dive in and find those episodes that you want. Right. And then just a little bit more on the branding content side of things. I want to change things up. I'm not going to get really get into that now. I'm going to come back with some really incredible guests that I'm excited about, but I definitely want to take that time to really Create a bad-ass lineup when this thing gets going again in August. So I don't know when you're listening to this, you know, maybe that's right around the corner. Maybe that already happened. But if you're listening to this in June, just know that we're going to take about a month and a half, two months. We're going to come back for kind of phase two of not most people and the podcast. So we're going to have new, incredible guests that I'm excited about. We're gonna have the episode guide. We're going to have more video content, more snippets for you guys to digest. And then another thing. Beyond the podcast with not most people is going to be the, not most people tenants. So one question that I've always gotten with people who kind of discovered that most people is like, okay, what is it? What's it about? And really, you know, I had to sit and think about this. And the. The one thing that all great. Kind of movements have in common is a shared set of beliefs. And so people, when they hear anomalous. All right. I kind of get it. That kind of makes sense. But. I wanted to really spell it out and make it clear so that when people. Read through these tenants, through these beliefs are like, okay. This is me or they're like, all right. You know, maybe that's, that's not me. You know what I mean? So, I want to make that really clear. There are 50 tenants currently and we'll be posting and publishing those. If you've been to any of the last couple events, I've shared snippets of a handful of them. And they've really, really resonated on high level with people and with the crowd. So I'm excited to get that out to you guys. I think that's going to be something that's really going to make a big difference in not most people moving forward and help bring a lot of clarity. To the movement. Which really at the end of the day, it is a movement. You know, we have a lot of plans in the future that are not going to get into right now beyond the stuff I already talked about. But we have the podcast, the events, uh, we're going to take a little bit of a break from the events. They're just incredibly. Time and energy intensive. And we want to make sure that if we're going to do an event, we're not just doing it to throw another event, we're doing it with a real purpose and something that's really going to build on and bring extra value even compared to previous events. So having said that the not most people Alliance is kind of going to go through the same exact thing as. The podcast taking a step back, we're going to reconfigure some things and we're going to relaunch the Alliance 2.0. So the Alliance. Uh, if you're not familiar is our paid community. I say community because it's, it's not really coaching. We do learn from each other. We connect, we do mastermind style calls. We have masterclasses and education, all that kind of stuff. But first and foremost, it's a community. It's a place for like-minded people who share that. Now most people mindset to connect with each other and form these powerful relationships and connections. Because for me, And, you know, I could speak for a lot of other people. It's connections and relationships that. Have such an incredible ROI and, and really are going to help you level up more than, you know, information or. Or anything else? So. That will be something that we'll be relaunching as well, early mid August. So keep your eyes out for that. If you want to get around. Uh, like-minded people who are also going to help you level up. So really, really excited about that. And then another thing that was mentioned, a couple episodes back, if you listen to, it was not most couples, so this is something that me and my wife Nancy have been talking about for a long time. We're going to be doing. Not most people, but focused on couples, on relationships, on marriage, on becoming power couples, all this stuff. And it's not going to be just us. Will, there will be episodes. That are just us speaking, our own experience and things that we've learned being together over eight years. And. All of that, but we're also going to be having on a lot of couples who are power couples who are, have the kind of relationships that people. You know, look at it and they're like, man, that's, that's what I want. You know? And so we're going to have a lot of those people on some of them will be big. You know, business mogul type couples, others will just be people who have really exceptional relationships and that we can learn and we can model from, and all of that. So really excited about now most couples. Uh, we will eventually have other branches of that beyond the podcast. We'll have. Probably some community aspect, maybe some events focused on that in the future, but really, really excited about that. And that's really, that's really kind of where we're at guys. Uh, I definitely. You know, to be totally blunt experienced some, some burnout on a more severe level than I have. In the past, just around the event. Like I said, I think I just read, I tried to do a ton and I put a ton of pressure on myself and just kind of. I don't want to say imploded, but I'm just push past the point of, you know, what I feel is truly kind of healthy long-term so just kind of. You know, recovery from that starting a new job, which I won't really talk about, but first job really I've had in four or five years. So that's definitely been an adjustment as well and kind of balancing and juggling all of that, but really at the end of the day, guys, uh, I'm looking forward to. The evolution of not most people to continue to grow and scale the impact. And value. And I'm still. Clearer and more excited about the future of not most people than ever. So. I still would love to connect with you guys, even though I won't be really pushing out new stuff here for the next little bit. But feel free to reach out on Instagram on Facebook. And all that. I would still love to connect with you and talk to you on the individual level. So. That's it guys. Uh, I just want to say. I'm grateful and appreciative of everyone who has, you know, been involved with not most people or during what I go again, like I'm calling phase one here the last couple of years, whether it's the events, listening to the podcast. Being a part of the Alliance, all of that just really means the world. And I'm super, super grateful for you and, uh, kind of do my best to bring you as much value as I can. Here moving forward. So that is it, guys. Thank you. Please reach out if you have any questions. We'll see you in the next one here in August. And, uh, always remember, don't be most people.