Not Most People
Not Most People
Introducing The Not Most People Summit: An Epic Weekend For Those Ready To Destroy Mediocrity - 096
In this special edition episode, I'll be sharing with you details regarding the first-ever Not Most People Summit. This is one episode that you won't want to miss if you're looking create an uncommon life and kick mediocrity to the curb.
For all of the information regarding the summit, visit nmpsummit.com.
Click here to get to know the speakers
Tune in to learn
- Why you should (or might not) want to attend
- How The Summit came to be
- When and where it is
- The overall structure
- Unique factors you won't find at other events
- The world-class speaker lineup
- What you get for attending
- And so much more
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Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the, not most people podcasts. This is your host Bradley, and this is the show for those allergic to mediocrity. Group think and following the status quo. It's going to be a little bit different from our typical full length guests episode. This one is kind of a special. In depth announcement that if you have been with us, if you've been listening or tap it in with not most people for any amount of time, You're definitely gonna want to stick around. It's not going to be super long, but, uh, Awesome stuff about the, not most people summit. And that is what this episode is all about is just kind of filling you guys in on what that is. What's included why you would want to go or not. Just all that kind of stuff. You know, this is really a big turning point for not most people, things are really starting to happen. Not most. People's really going to be. Quote unquote, on the map after this one. And if you want to be a part of it, definitely stay tuned because I'm going to break down the event. Overview the speakers topics. The flow of the weekend, different opportunities, sponsorships, tickets, everything that you could want to know. And additionally, if you are listening to this and you're like, all right, Cool. I'm interested. I want to learn more about more of a visual person. You can head over to NMP summit.com and I got pretty much everything there. That you could want and I'm going to be breaking down. Most of what's there. Here in this episode. So without further ado, let's talk about the, not most people summit kind of how it came to be. This is the technically the fourth live event for not most people. But the first three were all, not most people lives and the format of those events was just a Thursday or Friday evening. From about six to 10, started with an hour and a half. Of networking. Then we did about an hour, hour and a half of, you know, I got up and I spoke for a few minutes. Uh, You know, I'm not much of a public speaker, but. Uh, give a little background on not most people and that are live podcasts with a live audience, and those have been amazing each time I've been blessed with the guest. And then more networking hanging out after. So we've done three of those first one was last July. Then September and then most recently. In March. So following those up, I said, okay, those are great, but it's time to evolve, time to move to the next level. And this was just something that had kind of been on my mind for a while. And the pieces were just starting to come together for it. And there's no time like the present. I had a very short window, uh, of kind of putting everything together, you know, usually. Summits events of this size or plans? Well in advance. You know, six months plus, and. We're doing it here in about 90 days. So. A whole lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, but. Man the way it's looking the way it's, it's a headed. I'm so excited. And you'll see why in a second, the speaker lineup is just out of this world more than I ever could have hoped for. And, uh, yeah, so that, that's really the, kind of how it came to be just, uh, Kind of felt called for it. You know, I don't have any sort of like big high-end. Backend upsell for the event or anything. It's just going to be pure value. Just bringing people together. Like-minded people giving them the tools. Giving you the tactics to become not most peoples to create that on common life. And this is probably going to be a once a year thing. It's going to be happening in Arizona here in may. The dates are May 19th through the 21st. If you're able to be at the whole event. We also have, uh, options if you can just make it for the Saturday. So I'll get into those in a few minutes. But that's a essentially. You know, if you want to check your calendar. That's the gonna be the time week before Memorial day weekend. It's beautiful in Arizona this time of year. And, uh, anyways, I'm going to get into kind of the, the format, the structure of the event. We have, uh, maybe you're familiar with it. The, not most people five to thrive. That's kind of our. Our framework that we use because there's five things that I believe most people in this world are not, and that is happy. Healthy wealthy growing and free. And those things all kind of really interrelate to each other. I have a visual representation of it, which I know if you're listening over audio right now, that's not the, uh, Uh, not the best, but, and the way it is is if you picture a circle, And around that circle is divided into three parts. It could be a triangle too, I guess, but happy, healthy, and wealthy. Right? Kind of like that health, wealth relationships triad. That we've all heard about many times. Most things fall into that. So happy. You know, where that's your purpose, achieving fulfillment relationships, that kind of stuff. Than wealthy. Yeah. First thing that comes to mind is, is financial or material wealth. But, um, you know, just being able to escape the rat race and also having a wealth of time and freedom and. All these other things, you know? And so you know, so that's the second part and then healthy. You know, for not healthy. Mentally physically, emotionally, spiritually. You know, everything else is going to kind of fall apart. So it's just those three parts of the triad. And in the middle. Is growing most people. Simply aren't growing. If you're listening to this show, you're probably someone who's growth, minded, growth focused. And the growing is what feeds those three areas of happy, healthy, wealthy. And so the more you grow, the bigger the circle gets. And you need all three of those areas to be kind of semi balanced. Uh, whatever that means for you in order for your, your life to be. As the circle gets big. That means your life's getting better. And That's kind of the visual representation, then the free part. You know, if you don't have freedom. Um, and if you're not free to do what you want, if you're not. Free from addictions. Um, if you don't have freedom of speech, right. All. There's a million different. Underneath that circle is free and that creates the base. The more free you are, the bigger and wider and thicker. That basis. And that's, what's going to support that big life that you've built that uncommon life and allow you to live it. If you're not free. Then you, you know, you could do all these things, but at the end, you're not going to be able to exercise the life that you want. And so there's, there's, you know, I could go into more depth, but. That's kind of the rough structure. And so a lot of events are. Very niche. In which case, you know exactly what they're about, where we tend to be a little bit. All encompassing in a sense here with not most people, but I didn't want to just throw a bunch of names on stage and, uh, you know, just. Try and sell tickets based on names. I mean, Obviously that helps, but you see a lot of. Events where you have. A lot of different speakers and big names, but they don't like tie together in any meaningful way. They're just kind of. It's it's like, there's not a depth or cohesiveness. There's just a dozen different speakers speaking for 30, 40, 60 minutes, whatever. And then at the end they have their kind of thing that they share that they do. And this I wanted it. Makes sense and, and make sure that we're hitting all five of those things. And so. Right now, there are five speakers. I'm not including myself in that five. I'll speak first. Lay the groundwork for them to come in and really do what they do because all of them are world-class speakers. We may have a sixth. Uh, waiting to see on that. We'll keep you. Keep you guys locked in with that. As a details emerge, but essentially. Those five speakers are going to correlate directly to the five to thrive. And so. I'm going to give you guys kind of a little bit of background on these speakers. First one. Uh, growing, which is, I think really the foundation of all of it. If we have Princeton Clark, He was a guest for the first. Now most people live event. Back in July of last year. And I think it's episode 60 something. If you want to look that up. And it was just a phenomenal episode, he is. You know, he was great as a podcast interview, but he's even better as a public speaker. He's been doing it for 20 years and he can just light up a room and move you. On a deep level, like very, very few people can. And even though he's well-known, I considered him relatively undiscovered in the kind of speaking personal development world. So. Uh, if you know him, you're already excited. I can guarantee it. So Princeton Clark. Brand is evolved mastery. He helps humans basically unlock their potential. And master themselves and their lives. So. He is going to do the growing portion. And then we have Carlos Rayez. Carlos was actually the guest for the second. Now we'll see a live event and just absolutely brought it. He's become kind of a good friend of mine lately. And. Man, I can't say enough good things about him. And he is a powerful speaker. He has a very, very strong story. Of how he came over. You know, illegally from Mexico as a kid and his mom and. Really is the epitome of the American dream kind of came with nothing and now has a conglomerate of businesses. And just an incredible story. You know, he'll be doing the happy portion, which we all would really want to be happy. He may be the keynote closer. We'll see. We're not sure yet, but. Uh, just a very powerful speaker. If you know who he is. You're excited as well. And then we have Andy Elliott. Covering healthy. And Andy Elliot is, I guess, specifically known for his. Fastest growing sales trainer in the world. Right now, he's out local to Arizona and man like his. The culture and their headquarters at the Elliott group has company is. Unbelievable everyone. There is an incredible shape. The energy is on point and he is a very, very powerful communicator. He will have you ready? To run through a brick wall and he's also you know, in his forties and probably about 8% body fat due to shredded. And he's going to be talking about the importance of health and how that really is foundational to all the other areas of success. And so another one that if you know who he is like your. You can't. Then we have candy Valentino and candy. Valentino has been recently. You know, blowing up. She's been on the ed, my lip podcast. Just had a book come out. That's a best seller. And, you know, she started with nothing and she's been a founder. I have multiple companies that she's exited philanthropist. Has her own communities and her book is called wealth habits. And so there's really, I can't think of anyone better right now to talk. On the wealthy part of the five to thrive. So. Super excited for that. She's a, she's a powerhouse. And if you guys, again, don't know who she is, go look her up. If you know who she is, you're excited for her to speak for sure. And then, uh, the last speaker that I'll share with you guys right now is Ian Smith. And. If you don't know him, Go check them out. If you know them, you really know them. You know, he's someone that's really. I guess made a name for himself over the last couple of years with COVID and the lockdowns. Everything and. When they were trying to shut everything down, uh, he was in New Jersey. He owned a gym and he decided to keep the gym open. Kind of, regardless of what they were trying to enforce with the lockdowns and shutting down our gyms and stuff. And he. Opponent of freedom and standing against. Tyranny and kind of unjust laws and that kind of thing. And so. Again, one of those really powerful people who, if you know him. Like you'll come just to see him. And that's one that man, I, I never would have expected to be able to have speaking. At this summit, but I'm just feeling super blessed that he's going to be there. And, uh, yeah, so that's kind of our speaker lineup. I got more content, more links, more in-depth bios for all of them on the site. But that gives you kind of a overview. Of each of them. So, and then obviously I, I think I mentioned it, but, uh, if I didn't, Ian's going to be covering the free portion, you know, just couldn't think of anyone. As a better fit there. Uh, and then the structure of the event, the overview. The way it's going to look is. This is a Friday through Sunday event, but can also be just a Saturday event. And so I'll walk you through it Friday night. We have a all levels group workout at true fusion in north Scottsdale. So this is basically a gym rent out whether you are like haven't been to the gym in years, or you're a fitness fanatic. This is going to be something that's going to work for you. Everyone's going to sweat together. We're gonna kick things off. A little bit differently than your typical summit or event, right? This is not most people. So we have to do things. Kind of differently, you know what I mean? So we're going to suffer together a little bit, nothing too crazy, but that'll get everyone energized. We'll get people checked in there. And, uh, there also be a little bit of time for kind of socializing, networking, getting to know people after the workout is over at the gym. So. That's going to be a really fun Friday evening to kick things off. That's going to have everyone energize in the right mindset to come into Saturday. Which is the main day of the summit. This is where, uh, all of our speakers are gonna speak. We're having it at the vault of, uh, Scottsdale. Which is essentially a giant. I guess technically a warehouse, but it's beautiful inside and houses. Uh, dozens of exotic luxury cars. Lamborghini's Ferrari's classic cars, all that kind of stuff. So creates a really unique backdrop and a memorable. Than you. Like when I saw it, I was like, all right, this is, we're not, most people were doing things differently. Like this is the place. So really, really cool spot. It doesn't have a stage in there normally, but I'm bringing in a full. Top of the line, a V set up. You know, screens, lights, big stage. All that kind of stuff. So it's going to be top-notch production-wise and, uh, that's going to be the main spot. So that'll be from nine to five. We're going to have all of our speakers there. Lunch will be. So. Our ticket tiers. We have three different tiers. The base one, the GA. Gets you to the main summit event on Saturday. So that gets you like 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. All of the speakers. And that's essentially it for the G GA. Then we have the summit pass. So the summit pass gets you the Friday night workout. The Saturday main summit. The Saturday night, Sunday morning activities, which are going to explain in a minute, and then the VIP gets you all that plus of more. And one of those perks of getting a VIP ticket, which we only are going to have 30 of those. So they're gonna be very limited. I do expect them to sell out pretty quickly. Uh, because we are stacking the value with those. One of the main things is that. During that Saturday. Everyone who has a VIP ticket is going to enjoy a catered lunch. At the event space. With the speakers. So again, we have like five, six speakers. 30 people. So really, really Strong ratio. Like you're going to get FaceTime with the speakers. And these guys are, again, like we're talking a lot of 10 figure entrepreneurs here. So people that you really, really want to connect with Kandi, Carlos, Ian, like all these guys are connected to people like at the highest level, so great connections chance for you to really get to know these people. One-on-one uh, so that's, that's a perk for being a VIP. Everyone else will kind of, uh, have other options. We may have food trucks, but there's a million places to get food. Nearby. So. We'll have lunch break. Afternoon session and then ending around five and we'll transition everything over to elevated seltzer, which is a craft. Hard seltzer bar. In north Phoenix. They've been involved in the last couple. Not most people live events, providing food and drinks, and they've just been amazing to work with and their. Their space is really cool. So we're going to have the full. I have an outdoor courtyard with string lights. So really cool setting at night, a big open space that we'll have just for our group. So it's going to be. And it's gotta be a heck of a night. Uh, six 30 until I put 10 30 on the schedule, but who knows? We may go a lot later than that. We'll see. Uh, and that's just going to be a time for everyone to network, to hang out, to build those connections, to keep the momentum going from the day with the speakers and, uh, food will be provided potentially some drinks. We're still working that out. But it's going to be an awesome time and something you won't want to miss. So again, summit passing, VIP members will have access to that. And then Sunday morning, we're going to have an attendee brunch. So this will be another chance for people to come together, to keep building on those connections. And that will again, be for summit pass and VIP holders. I don't know exactly where that's going to be yet. We're still working out those details, but, uh, can promise it will be another great time. That'd be probably 9:00 AM to around 11:00 AM. Maybe a little bit later than that. And then. You know, VIP's, like I said, we're given, we're given you guys a lot. We have the lunch with the speakers and then Sunday. The brunches where the event's going to end for a summit pass holders. Sunday afternoon. We are taking H a bus up to lake pleasant. With the VIP's and we are chartering a private boat. For the afternoon, double Decker, 55 foot boat with a bar, uh, you know, speak, everything that you can think of. And we're just going to have an incredible afternoon out. You know, swimming, hanging out, networking with, you know, the other VIP. So really high quality people. There may be a couple of speakers on that boat ride as well. So it's just going to be an incredible experience there. And then that is where the event is basically gonna end. So. Full full weekend. Lots of connections. Uh, lots of time.'cause like for me, I I've been to a lot of events. And if you're listening to this for your regular listener, you probably have too, but. You know, a lot of them he'll connect with people kind of between sessions or afterwards, but. I wanted to really give people a lot of opportunities to walk away with some life-changing connections, a. Because that's where I found the value to be. At events, you know, obviously the speakers are going to provide immense value, but, you know, to build on that and, and have opportunities. Uh, to get in front of other like-minded people and build those connections is. Invaluable like this whole, this whole event for me. The only way I'm able to pull it off. I don't have a big following. Everything is just leveraging a lot of these relationships that I've built over time. Uh, whether that's what the speakers with the guests with sponsors with, you know, different venues, like all kinds of things. So I know how valuable that is and how valuable that can be for anyone. And especially when it's like-minded people who are not most people who are growth minded, success minded, like I guaranteed millions of dollars of business is going to come out of this between people. Uh, whether that's referrals, whether that's, you know, people find a new customers, clients, business partnerships. Great things are gonna come out of this event and I can't wait to see. And so in addition to that You know, if, if you're wondering like, okay, is this for me? Do I go I'm out of town. Very detailed and you can get, and you can find this at. NMP summit.com. Is a detailed out of town visitors guide. So we went on Google maps, we laid out, you know, Okay, hotels, you got budget hotels. Mid-level luxury. Recommendations in there. We've got a bunch of different restaurant recommendations. If you want a golf while you're out there. We have, uh, places listed for that hikes site seen everything that you could need. If you're coming out and you're like, you know, is it worth it? What do I want to do? Where do I stay? Where do I eat? All that kind of stuff. So. We thought of, you know, as much as we can for you guys and have that available and then. Really, uh, beyond that. A couple other things, sponsorship opportunities. You know, if you guys want to get in front of a room. That is full of like-minded people. Uh, if you want to get exposure for your business. I've also included some really cool perks, such as novels people, Alliance memberships. And, uh, opportunities to get on the podcast and. We even have. The option for the higher level sponsors to like part of that sponsorship will sponsor. People. To get a scholarship to come to the event who otherwise would not be able to afford it. So. That will be made available as well. So if someone is like, You know, going through a tough time or just as in a place to be able to attend the event, I will have the opportunity for them to apply. You know, explain their situation, why they want to go. And then because of. There's a handful of people will be able to attend the event. Uh, for free on Saturday. So. That's something that I'm really excited about being able to. Bring some people who otherwise might not be able to go. And then also I know. Once you get to those like kind of higher levels of business and stuff. Uh, being able to give back and create impact and. Help other people. Bridge that gap to success. Is important. So I know. That that's something that appeals to a lot of people that appeals to me. And so. Well, there's several different sponsorship packages. There's also unique kind of one-off opportunities as well. Like if you want to sponsor. The boat ride. That's an option. If you want to sponsor the brunch, like we CA and, and there's different things that come with that. So, If you want to. Get the sponsorship packet and learn more about that. Please email meBradley@notmostpeople.net or again. Summit at now, most people. Dot networks as well. You can find that on the site. So. You know, I don't want to keep rambling and going on here. I know I'm coming up on 25 minutes, but. Yeah, it also, depending on. Liebert tickets. Will fifth. So if you're listening to this app after April 5th, Uh, you know, that's, that's kind of the price things are, if you're, if you catch it before. Awesome. But again, we have the three different levels, so. In addition to what I listed, like the different parts of the event, every. Attendee will have access to the private Facebook group that is just for attendees. So you'll be able to connect with people who maybe you didn't get to connect with, or like, you know, you forgot to grab their number or something. You'll be able to access. Everyone through the Facebook group, which will be really cool as well. And then. Everybody will get a swag bag. Uh, I can't release details yet. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but everyone wants to get a swag bag. That's more than just like your typical stickers and logo pens and that kind of thing. So you'll be getting some real stuff in the swag bags for everyone. Especially the VIP's you will have the deluxe swag bag. So our regular swag bags would be deluxe swag bags at your typical event. But, uh, you know, We're trying to do everything really bigger and better as much as we can here. So. I promise you that will be a ton of value right now. The. Ticket prices.. I'll I'll let you guys check that out@mpsummit.com. It's all in the show notes. Uh, let me think. Did I forget anything? I really. Again, it's just going to be an incredible event. If you can make it awesome. If you can't make it. You know, I would so greatly appreciate it. If you shared it with someone who. You think would get benefit out of it? You know, if you're like, oh man, I can't make it, but I know my friend. Might be able to go, or my business partner might be able to go. You know, that would be a hugely appreciated. We also have the option if you want to bring your whole team, or if you're part of a team. We do. Reach out and inquire about that. And then also, uh, affiliate options. So if you're someone who is a community leader, if you have a large email list, Uh, there are potential affiliate, uh, opportunities there. So. Again, please reach out summit@namospeople.net for emails. If I forgot anything. You know, I'm sure I'll cover it here soon, or you can find it all on social media, on the website, but man, that is it guys. Uh, Thank you so much for tuning in. I am so excited about the summit. I hope you are too. Uh, hopefully we will see you there. And again, Even this episode, like I always ask in the beginning, This podcast is a value exchange. So. I just ask that you share the show. Uh, if you know of someone who might be interested or like your followers might be interested, if you want to just throw this on social, set it to them. This episode that is greatly appreciated. Uh, we got tons of other. Kind of typical episodes coming here in the near future, your full length guest episodes. So don't worry. That is not changing. Uh, we're bringing tons of value and we also got some other exciting announcements. On the near horizon, even beyond the summit. So stay tuned, guys. Thank you so much for listening. Hopefully we'll see you at the summit. In may. And always remember, don't be most people.