Not Most People
Not Most People
Take Back Control Of Your Life, Feel Fully Alive, And Become A Self-Care Savage with Scott Tatum - 089
In this episode I'm joined by Scott Tatum, aka "The Friendly Reminder Guy" on social media where he has amassed over 1.1 million followers across Instagram and Tik Tok.
He is also a Father, nomad, hiker, and explorer advocating for mental health and our public lands.
We ended up covering a variety of topics in depth in this one. From mental health and self-care to social media strategies and the power of nature in improving your life, we have a brutally honest conversation that is guaranteed to change your perspective for the better.
Inside The Episode:
- Why you need to take care of yourself before anyone else
- Simple ways to improve your mental health
- 3 simple principles for building a large and impactful social media audience
- How to improve your energy and fitness levels no matter your age
- Why putting yourself first can actually be the opposite of selfish
- How to heal from trauma using the outdoors
- Where to find beautiful public lands where you can camp and hike for free
Connect with Scott
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Hey everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Not Most People podcast. This is your host, Bradley, and this is the show for those allergic to mediocrity group think and following the status quo. And before today's full-length guest episode, I would just like to remind you guys that my only ask in listening to the show, I put a lot of time, energy, and money into the show. And I don't really ask for anything in return, except that if you get value, if you're entertained, if you learn something, if it helps you think a new way, just that you help me grow the show by either sharing it with one friend or one person that you know who you think will also benefit from the episode. Or leaving a rating or review on podcast or on Spotify, apple or wherever you're listening from. And then for everything else, not most people beyond the podcast, which we have a lot going on, you can find that all in the show notes, all the links and all that good stuff is listed in there. But I wanna get right into today's episode. This is an exciting one. We have Scott Tatum on the show. Scott, welcome to Not most People.
Scott Tatum:Thanks Bradley. I'm, I'm excited to be here. Thanks for inviting me. Of course,
Bradley Roth:of course. I'm excited. A lot of you guys, you might hear Scott Tatum and not exactly know who that is, but there's a better chance that you've seen him on social media. He is a father, a nomad, a hi. And explorer advocating for mental health and our public lance, and he's referred to as the friendly reminder guy on social media where he's amassed over 1.1 million followers across Instagram and TikTok. And I believe the username is at UCAN Outdoors. So I don't know. I'm guessing a lot of your followers know you maybe more by your, your handle than your actual name. And so some people listening to this might be like, oh yeah, like, I know that guy. I follow that guy. So that's something I'm curious about is how that all came about, how that, like, I know, I want to get into the backstory and I know you have a powerful one that kind of led you to hear to where you're sharing videos, simple videos on social media, advocating for self-care and knowing your worth and that kind of stuff. So could you rewind it a bit kind of from the beginning or where you feel like is relevant to what led you to where you are at now with all of this? Sure.
Scott Tatum:Absolutely. I mean, so, you know, I, I've been really, really going hard on myself in my own self self-care which just evolved into the savage part just because if you look up savage in the dictionary, it's it's pretty deliberate in, in, in what the word means, and it's mm-hmm. You know, it's, it's not, this is not playtime. It's none, none of it's playtime for me. Hmm. And what I put out is how, how are there things that I need to hear? It's, it's, it's, I always tell all my followers, I get a lot more from you guys than y'all get from. Again, this has been my therapy. I started with I've been on social media a long time. I got on Facebook, I'm 62, so, my evolution's probably been a little bit different of course, than the younger people. But I got on Facebook in 2010 for some business stuff and do some marketing stuff, but mm-hmm just kind of evolved playing around with it. Instagram I got on in 2016, I think TikTok a few, a couple years after that. But I used to just put up memes. So wherever I might be traveling or what I might be doing, I take picture of a mountain or me, you know, Hey, look at me in the mountain. And then I have something that was powerful quote or something that meant something to me that was helping me. With what I might be working on at that time or really hit me to trigger something that I needed to focus on or whatever the reason was. And so it was all to hold me accountable. Again, this was just me putting this stuff out there. It was a way for me to, you know, just again hold my, you know, mainly hold myself accountable. And you know, it was for my family, you know, my kids, anybody, you know. Because previously to that, a few years before that, you know, I had pretty much given up on myself. So this, what kind of triggered this was been married, divorced twice. My second divorce was almost 13 years ago. Is it 13 years ago now? 12, 13 years ago. And couple years after that, I, you know, was really. Had gotten in a bad place and had just kinda given up, not given up to where I was gonna go jump off a mountain. I always say that, yeah, I'd given up going forward. I just, I was exhausted My life, the way I had been living, it was a mess. Every, the decisions I made were all decisions coming from my traumas as a kid and, and, and the survival stuff. You know, I can shoot from the hip and do, I mean, I'm a, I can take, I can make sure you know, that I can melt into a wall if I need to, so I don't have to be seen. But all of those things and ha operating that way, were good back then. Okay. Kept me alive probably a few times. Yeah. They do not translate into adulthood living that way. Relationships, doing business, it's a constant ups and then you just, Cut your legs off, self sabotage, you know, do the best you can. Just screw it all up. You know, sometimes very much knowing, knowing it, see how far you can stretch it. And you can always trust me. It always break. You can stretch it, but it, and it, and it will break every single time. Anyways, so it evolved into that and I just started, you know, as I watch people and I absorbed content off social media, I started just trying to, when I was out, formulate a way to present things a little different because people were starting to resonate with the message I was putting out, mainly directed toward me. They were getting something out of it. And so I think I saw something. People have asked me this a bunch of times and I haven't been able to completely nail it down, but I think I was just seeing some of these things people were posting and saying, daily reminders. or Hey, here's your daily reminder or whatever. Yeah. And I just thought, well, you know, friendly reminder. So I just started saying that and I just start resonate with people. And again, that's just kind of how it's evolved and into and up to this point. And there again, there is a, a lot of backstory to it and there's a lot of healing and a lot of forgiving that I have done through these last 10 years. Mm-hmm. and everything is stacked up on things. So if you would've asked me a lot of questions, you're gonna ask me, or, or you've asked this one, you've asked me, you know, eight years ago or four years ago, or two years ago, those, it's probably gonna be a little different because the healing has not been fast for me. It's just not like, you know, that's why this savage thing comes into it. I've had to immerse myself in this world. My, my. Hiking the outdoors is part of what triggered and saving my life and opening things up for me and, and and, and pu and pushing me to move to understanding what, what was going on and working to try to fix it. I, I, but when I say this, so all these stepping stones that come into place, I found cognitive behavioral therapy. Mm-hmm. I did a lot of research on that. It's a very, it's so powerful, especially with a guy like me. I started learning how to get more right here and yeah, you might need to jump back and take care of some business and, and, and move on from it, but, but fix what's happening right now, you know, so you can move forward in, in, in a better way. What's, what's causing all things. So, so each of these things have, have just. Leaped to me further and further and further to where I am today. And I, you know, I put it out as, as a joke, but it, it, it's, it's, it's also putting it out to me. Mm-hmm. you know, you, anybody can test me if they want to. I, if you think you can break my mentals my mindset and, and put me in a bad place, or trigger me or do any of those things, it ain't gonna happen. hasn't happened in a long time, and I don't plan for it to, I'm not perfect, but I know, and I do the work every day. I have disciplines. There's non-negotiables, you know, I absorb what I absorb and my, my demons hit me in the mornings. So I, when, as soon as I wake up, I know they've repositioned and they're, they here, they. and I go to work on'em and, and I score what would take me sometimes hours to get my head, right. Mm-hmm. you know, now is usually done within a few minutes. You know, I can bury them. And and just, you know, we're just, we're just going at'em. I, I, I, I, I I talked about, and I can talk about that later, but anyways, just trying to stay focused here. There's, that's where it's come to here. Mm-hmm. So everything you see me do and everything I talk about is mainly is always gonna be toward me first. It's always stuff that I need to keep rehearing, but it has become, I sat on a podcast that did a month ago or something I think it was which I was like, wow, I think I'm gonna start using that. But I said, you know, this is not about me anymore. Friendly reminders and my platform and everything in this community that's grown into, it's not about me anymore. It's about everyone. Yeah. It's about it's about all of us. And so now that's how I look at that and that's how I'm progressing forward. This is, this is bigger than me and I feel a huge responsibility to to continue and also refine this. I'm doing a lot of work on being able to deliver my message clearer more appropriately. I'm developing a few of these little things that are out, you know, outlined some things that I have a there's a book coming out later this year, so some frameworks, there's a lot of things happening. Yeah. And so I, and those have been weak things for me. And I, I'm I'm learning and, and that's, that's all part of the process. And so the other thing I've said too is, is. what people see happening with me on social media is you're just watching, you're watching me continue healing and growing. I mean, you're in this with me. I mean, it's mm-hmm. It's, mm-hmm. And I, I challenge anybody always cuz I, I want it is if, if anybody feels like I'm not doing or following through or anything, any friendly reminder, you wanna go pick out and say, well, you don't really do that, or you don't please, you know, blow, you know, blow me up, confront me. I, I'm, I I want all of that. And that's part of what's important to me is being held accountable. Mm-hmm. myself. But anybody that I have influenced or looks to me for guidance whatsoever, if I'm gonna put myself out here like this is I wanna be clean, clean as I can. Hmm. I don't know. Did that answer your question? Maybe a little bit more
Bradley Roth:It does. I mean, that gives me, I, there's a lot of things there that. I'd like to kind of get into a little bit, I think one thing that you mentioned that people may be listening to and can really relate to is when you said like, I hadn't given up, like I was gonna take my life, but that I wasn't gonna progress forward. And I feel like most people have been there at some point or another in their life. And you said you, what was, whatever it was 12, 13 years ago when you were, at that point you were broken and now you're unbreakable and you had to obviously do a ton of work to go from A to B, but someone might be listening say, man, I, I feel like I'm broken. Or my mindset like it, you know, if, if I get thrown off, it does take me hours or days, or I may never kind of rebound. So what was, I'm guessing it ties into this whole kind of hiking outdoors thing. Like were you hiking. Regularly, were you spending time outdoors living this kind of lifestyle prior to that point, or was that kind of like a revelation, a shift, a a turning point?
Scott Tatum:Yeah. So, so when I was in that mindset of giving up and, and one of the things that, that I had talked about, you know, it was hard to talk about at when I first talked about it. But when, when I, when I got in that mindset, I told my boys that, mm-hmm. I mean, I had, I told my boys, I said, look guys, I'm done. Again, I'm, I can't do, you know, I just, it, it just, I, it just never, it just never gets anywhere. And, and I'm just, the way this, that, and the other LA again, way I've been living and things like that, I was always, anyways, and, and that was, that was, when I think back on that, that's a, you know, it's still kind of, gosh, I just, wow. But so I was driving. and any, anyways, if anybody knows anything about Texas, you know, I was lived in McKinney at this time, which is north of Dallas. And I was driving up around the, the Oklahoma Texas border, and there's a lake up there called Lake Texoma. And I just stopped, you know, I was looking at the lake in one of the little park areas and I saw a trail, and I believe the name of it was called Juniper Trail. And I was like, Hmm, you know what? I'm gonna go see what's up with that. And so I got out my truck and I can't, there's so many things they don't remember about it now, and people ask me, but I, I, I'd either have my phone and I wasn't completely paying attention to it, or I left it in the truck. Can't, can't exactly remember, but I went out on the, started walking mm-hmm. And I have no idea what overtook me, but that's all I wanted to do at that point. I just kept walking. and, and then everything, there was nothing. I wasn't hearing anything anymore other than the trees, the leaves, my footsteps, the water birds all of this stuff that was not foreign. But you, you know, we're not, we are not. We hear it in glimpses. Right. You know, where we were living in this society, entrenched in these areas. All that. All that stuff. And, and, and so that it went off. And then I started hearing myself and I started hearing the thoughts and, and, and, and I was, they were getting very loud and they were getting very annoying and very, you know, what's, you know, and, and it was a little I was, it was a little frightening at that time. but it was also, I just kept walking. So all I remember was it got dark and I kind of snapped out of whatever was happening and realized I needed to make some movement back. And, but from that point on, I never I haven't stopped. Hmm. So it's just that's what, what it, what it had progressed to? No, I was, you know, I was working at that time and and you know, my boys were with me when I got divorced, you know, they, they, you know, I was with them. And so, you know, that, that was my life at the, at that time and that's when it started. And yes, it, Bradley, it's been a again, and I come from a very, again, that's part of me too. I come from a very heavy psychology background. My mom was a, a therapist. I was an administrator for an adolescent residential treatment center for years. I, I, I, I had all this information and, and, and all this stuff, and I never exercised it on myself. Mm-hmm. I just, just a lot of those things. But the other thing too is I know how hard it is to go back or do whatever and deal with traumatic things, especially from childhoods, extreme abuse, you know, you know, all those things. Physical, mental, I, I get it cuz I lived it for a long time. You know, mental, sexual the whole thing. So I, again, it, it's, it's, this is all part of my message and you asked me, you know, About kind of my process and, you know, people being in kind of that position. And that's where your first question started. And I, one of the things I learned from me, I'm not, I don't, I, I can't deal with being pacified. I don't, I'm don't respond to that. I don't respond to, let's talk about this long, drawn out stuff and do all these exercises and like come back and meet and then, we'll, you know that with the therapy stuff, that's where the cognitive behavioral therapy stuck. But, and then the savage thing where it comes in. So when people ask me, and you can go through all my comments cuz they always do that. I don't know how to do this, what do I do? Mm-hmm. I said, well first of all I'll go back and watch my videos and, and, and keep watching'em because I do it as gently as I can now. I used to be a little more gruffer with it, but shut up. Shut you. That's the first step is to shut up. and the second step is to now start making, taking some action. Instead of saying that, instead of going, I don't know what to do, go figure out what to do. There's, you're an adult, so you, you, you should have some, some skills cuz you're on social media asking me that question. So Google, you know, go talk to a therapist, get in a group, read a book, anything that will start leading you to whatever that it needs to be. Mm-hmm. if it's important to you enough and you're willing to go through the pain and, and, and, and do the work, you will heal. You can get better from anything. And so I try to give that message as best as I can. Right. In a way that, that it's more, you know, people hear that one of the, one of the best books I've ever read. Was in, I don't know how long ago it was, four or five years ago, whenever was that was another plateau. That was one of those things Again, that leap leapfrogged me a little bit. Yeah. Was you Can't Hurt Me By, by David Goggins. Yep. First of all, the first part of the book, very similar childhoods, again, not exactly the, you know, same but different. Mm-hmm. I just was like, oh my gosh. You know, I mean, so Right. Then I knew this, this guy, and then just learning more about him and, and, and then that, just, that book and, and the, and the mindset. That's, that's then when I really started knowing that I could do things to control my mind. Mm. That I could not accept my mind, leading me down how I had lived my life. I could make those changes. That was a big. Big, big hit for me too. So, and then again, things have happened after that, but you know, through all, everything. But those are, it's doing the work. You gotta, you gotta get in there. There's no, there's no formula. Now. That's part of what I said a minute ago about trying to define my message a little bit better. Cause people are like, well, what is this healthcare Savage? Or, or what is it that Self-Care Savage does? And I get that. And for me, so I'm, I'm, I'm, I've created kind of a booklet. I just haven't, you know, officially done anything with it. I will, I'm not, cuz the book's coming out and now I feel now I have restraints on me. You know how those things work. Yep. So, but it gives some formulas around how I do it. And that's another thing. The other thing with social media and just everybody in general, therapist, I come down on'em a lot. Life coaches, all these things, a lot of. them drive me crazy because they don't do it. And, and I know they don't do it. Mm-hmm. because they don't show it. This is what they do. And that's, that's the other big piece is, is stop listening to people that have not been there, done that, or doing it. Mm-hmm. and it's simple. People go to therapists and you know what? They go to therapists hoping the therapist will take them on. Mm-hmm. look, the therapist works for you. This is that savage mentality. Understand they're a tool for you. Right. Doesn't mean you can't respect them. And, you know, and, and, and understand. They're, they, you know, they're, they have, they're in touch with things little differently. That's cool. But they're people, they have some skills you need to help you understand you to move forward so you can have a more happier, peaceful life and, and, and take better care of yourself. And then guess what? All you people are always like, well, I can't you know, I, cuz I always talk about putting yourself first and you have to. There, there's, it's, that's, that's an there, you can't explain your way out of that. But everybody does try, try to. Well, what about my kids? Well, my mom's been sick for years and this, that, and the other. I have to take care of them. Well, Greg, but you know what, you know what you're giving'em right now, even as a parent, parents, you know, I come down on too, is you guys are ha it's half-assed. You're parenting your kids half-assed. You know why? Because you don't take care of yourself. And, and, and if you took care of yourself and realized you were pouring from half a cup or an empty cup and you're giving up and then you're being inappropriate and you're getting frustrated and you're having, you know, if you wanna be a good parent, if you wanna be a good spiritual leader in the church, if you wanna be a good politician, if you wanna be a good school board councilman, or whatever the hell it is, you wanna do that, you tout yourself and give yourself, I'm a leader. Just prove it. Prove it. Because you don't act like it, you know, watch y'all get up. You know, it's like our politicians, y'all get up freaking on the middle of any stream, you know, go into the chambers and here, here, here they are looking like two year olds. Like, you know, they're a bunch of grownups in daycare, you know, and how they're interacting with each other. These are our leaders in the world. I just don't, I don't, I'm just not interested in it anymore. Mm-hmm. And that at that level, And that's, so maybe get to your point of your question. Maybe my passion's coming out a little bit too, but No, that's great. This is what a self-care savage is. You, you gotta take care of yourself first. If you wanna be. All these things you say you are, if you want to get out of things, if you want to heal, you wanna forgive, you wanna move forward, you wanna find whatever it is you're looking for, peace, happiness, whatever. Then do the freaking work. Do the freaking work. It's not hard to find what to do. Find, you have to find what works for you. Mm-hmm. So the booklet I'm gonna put out or whatever in the friendly reminders book and things like that are gonna give a little more information about what I do specifically. And a lot of the, part of my social media is about the outdoors and hiking so everybody knows that. I promote the heck outta the outdoors. And because that's what triggered all a lot of all this. And, and that's what that's where I heal. That's where I heal my mind, body, and my soul. That's, that's where that's what it is for me. But not everybody can do that, trust me. And I know that cuz they tell me that, well, I can't do what you do. I can't do that. I know you can't. You know why you can't, cuz you can't. Cause you keep saying you can't you know? Yep. What, what is, what is that quote? If you say you can or you say you can't, you're right. Yep. You're right. Either way you get the quote. Yeah. Something like that. Yep. Yeah, you're right. Either way. So anyways, I'm, I, I get off topic a lot. I'm sorry, but hopefully that answered your
Bradley Roth:question. No, I, I love the passion and you brought up a lot of really interesting points. The whole self-care savage thing at first glance, like you said, it can seem almost like they're opposing each other. Cuz a lot of people hear self-care and they think like drawing a bubble bath and like laying arou, you know what I mean? Self quote unquote. That's maintenance self-care. That ain't self-care. Yeah, exactly. So there's that. And then Savage is obviously a little bit more, I don't know, hardcore or however you wanna say it, but it's more like being savage about your own self-care is exactly. Is kind of the how to, if there were a way to reword it, I guess, but also what you talked about. Yes. Coaches, therapists, all that stuff. It's useful, it's tools. They can point you in the right direction, but ultimately they're never gonna be able to do the work for you. And so you're gonna have to do it yourself. And I feel like that's where the outdoor. And kind of this space ties into it all because I think if you, if you never got out there and you never gave yourself this quietness, this space where it's just you and like you're, you're kind of forced to sit with yourself in your own thoughts and work through them in a way that you probably hadn't before or that you had distracted yourself from
Scott Tatum:because you can hear them. Mm-hmm. Bradley, you can, you can't, you can't, you can't heal if you don't know where it is, where it came from. Yep. And if you, not, if you, if, if you're not listening and hear, you know, it starts just being, that's where it all, then as years go by and you become an adult and you later start living your life, all that stuff gets jumbled up. You know, when I really look, my dad was, my, was was, was the one, he was the one and he was alcoholic. He was the, all these things for me. You know, I was his target and if it's, you know, the reason I say that I got to, for years, I never had a, ever had a positive memory of him. Mm. It just got so buried with all the negatives. I was hanging onto all the stories. I was kept telling about how this happened to me and, you know, all that victim crap, all that, just hanging onto it and, and, and, and when you heal, I mean, not heal a little bit when you really heal mm-hmm. and I know what that is now because you know what? I don't, well, I have, I still, I still have those memories, but they're not memories that draw me back in and they're, and I, and I dwell on'em and it affects my, my day, whatever. Meeting I have or whatever I have going on for whatever. It doesn't do that anymore. It's just okay, some, you know, something triggered that or whatever, and I just had this memory. But the memories I do have that I do travel back to is all that stuff that got buried. Hmm. Remembering that time, my dad did sit down with me and he, you know, never told me he loved me. Things like that. And, you know, usually his hand was, was of, of a very painful when it, when it touched me. But now I remember when that time we were sitting down and he did just gimme that little nudge. Or he did, he did say something that he, you know, jokingly was funny and just kind of took the tension off the moment. He did take me fishing, you know, he did, he is the, he did take me hunting. I mean, a lot of times it wasn't pleasant, but, but he, and, and then, So I, I, and now I remember, and now to hear these memories come and I'm like, oh my freaking God, you know? Mm-hmm. and, and, and a lot of times then that's where you start forgiving. That's the forgiveness is, is Oh, you know, and, and cuz the big part too is I understand where my father came from. You know, he came from, from, he was, they, they were extremely poor, you know, he, you know, they were small Texas town. and he, he went in the Navy when he was 15, you know, cuz you know, they struggling eating and you know, but he went in the Navy when he was 15, he was shipwrecked for three days. Mm-hmm. you know, he was a gunner on, on, on, on one of those ships and Wow. And, and then he came out out of the Navy and went to work in a construction industry, you know, building power lines, you know, he was a lineman and he grew over whatever years it was, you know, 40 years doing that. And he ended up owning the company. Of course. That's really hard to do now. Mm-hmm. But he, you know, those are, and those are things that, that, that are, are, are great things about him, but he never had a chance, you know, he came from a poor environment, abused himself, I mean, Shane to his house at one point for, you know, going to neighbors when he was three and four because they were so hungry asking for food. I'm just trying to give you these points and then mm-hmm. you know, going, the Navy getting shipwrecked. He's 15, 16, 17 years old kid getting out, going to work in his construction field. Well, you think any of these guys, you wanted to hear about your poor little mes growing up and then he starts drinking and that's part big part of that wildness, the gambling, the women, all that stuff. Well, he never had a chance. Mm-hmm. you know, maybe I can, you know, look pop someday when I see him again. You know, I can say, you look, you know, maybe try, maybe could try harder, but I forgive you now. But, but he, you know, so you, you start doing these things and you start forgiving people or start seeing these things, or then you start telling the story differently. Mm-hmm. then if it becomes, then it becomes this is what can happen for you. And that's where my message is now and where it's going. with this self-care savage is, you gotta do, look, you gotta do the work, you gotta go through hell. This was not easy getting there, you know? It, it was, but you, you can do it and, and you have to do it. And so I, I'm again, I get lost in some of my answers sometimes. I'm not sure exactly what the question you asked was, so I hope we got to it.
Bradley Roth:Yeah, no, it's interesting when you bring that up cuz I think a lot of people have a similar person in their life that maybe they blame or that they have bad you know, memories of and that sort of thing. And, but what you, what you said without saying it was that it's all about what you focus on, right? So for years you focused on the negative and that like, when you focus on something, you're essentially feeding it, right? Yeah. And so you made that bigger and bigger and bigger. maybe then it was maybe not. But you had, you didn't focus on those little good things. And that completely, once you start focusing on that, completely shifted, completely changed everything. Right? And so luckily, no matter what, one of the few things that we have full, total control over at all times is what we focus on. That's right. And that's also a muscle, right? Like focus is a muscle that we build that the better you get at it, the easier it is to focus on what you want, like what you talked about earlier. Instead of it taking hours to get your mind back on track, now it takes a few minutes to redirect because you're so, you're able to redirect your focus. And so I feel like being outside and again, being in that silence, having the, your, the room and the space to yourself and your your own mind gives you the space to like learn how to direct your focus, right? Because so many people just are distracted constantly. whether that's conscious or a subconscious thing. It's so easy in today's world, we don't go anywhere without our cell phones and screen in front of our face and constant simulation and that kind of stuff. And so that is like, we're, we're letting all these external things choose where our focus goes. Right? And when you're outside, it's all on you, right? There's, there's nothing else around. And so I feel like that's, you know, I could say, and I've said it on other podcasts too, like, go out, people need to be outside more. They need to be in their thoughts more. They need more silence, more solitude, all these things. And cuz I know for me, I start to feel off if I don't have that, I'm a very, I'm a very introspective person and so, right. I used to really. Like I miss being in Arizona because here the weather going out on my walks, it's not quite the same. There's, there's not as much nature and like that kind of stuff. So I notice it directly and I can speak to it directly as well. And it's almost like an easier form of meditation, right? Meditation could be tough cuz you're sitting there and you're like trying to block out all these things that are right around you. Whereas you go out there and it's like, it kind of, it almost does it for you in a sense. But go ahead. I know you wanted to say something. Well, no, I was
Scott Tatum:just, I was just going to kind, I wanted to add to that just, you know, there's two other points to that cuz what I always say it's is healing the mind, you know, the body and the soul and with the meditation, things like that you talked about a little bit. Get in touch with your spirituality, whatever that could be. Or, or you know, just understanding, you know, a little bit more about, you know. But the other main thing is what I'm after and what really is helpful. You have got. To, to everybody to be more effective in my opinion is you got to exert your body and you just not where you get tired or you start sweating and you sit down. That's when you start. You look for that, that that trail, that that's gonna go be a little steeper and you just keep going and you need to exhaust yourself. Then talk about surrendering. Mm-hmm. talk about all those thoughts and feelings coming and you're feeling weak physically. It is, is it puts you in a very it puts you in presence, meditative state on its own. It does. It brings you right here and you're able to then that's, that's again, it, it, they all tie in together and, and. And that's one of the things I, I don't push as much as I would like to. Because I think, I think there's ways to do things that, that are important to me now to get my message across. But the physical thing is really important. You know, it's, it's, it's, it's, you've gotta, you've gotta move your body, you know, all, look, I'm 60 again. I'm 62, I'm not mm-hmm. I'm grateful for, for my physical stuff now and what I'm able to do and, and, and get, you know, and, and grateful for every day I get up and, but I move around so much and I meet so many people. A lot of people are in this ar are in the RV type world. Mm-hmm. you know, I'm a little, little bit different than that. A little bit kind of in the more so, but it's it's just sad. They've gi you know, people have just given up physically. Yeah, they're just taking pills and they're, they're, and, and then they throw the, you know, the other, the stuff in their food they're taking the pills for. And, you know, it's just, it's, it's crazy. And so nobody can heal when, when, when that's happening. I mean, people can't, and, and look, I, I've got grandkids I hope coming someday and I have, you know, I wanna be better for them. I wanna be here for them. Mm-hmm. I don't wanna be exhibiting to them that I've, I've earned some Right. To just sit on my freaking ass. I can't, I'm not being critical of people. Right. This is just where I'm at. This is that savage part. You're not gonna be a self-care savage if you sit down. Mm-hmm. You're gonna have to get up, you're gonna have to do savage thing. Yeah. And hard things, and you have to push yourself, but, oh my gosh, on the other end, it's, it's so incredible. I still have so much work to do, but it, it's so incredible. So I just wanted to throw in that that physical piece is, is very important, you know? And then, you know, again, it brings a lot of the spirituality into it. And again, people have their own things, you know, around spirituality. Mm-hmm. So it's, you know, I don't direct, I don't try to direct anything around that. I, I believe there is a, something greater than me and I refer to them as God, because that's what I know the, the name is. But you know, it's all, it's all a process for all of us. And anyways, I can keep talking. Yeah. No,
Bradley Roth:I think it's, I agree a hundred percent with what you said. There's kind of this narrative that, like as soon as. That like, I don't know that it's okay to just let yourself go physically. Even I'm, I'm 31, right? I'm half your age and I see, you know, people who are in, you know, I guess like my ideal listener, right? Not most people or these entrepreneur circles I run in, they tend to be more driven. People work out a lot and that sort of thing, but like the general public, the general population, the career minded people, it's like everyone I know from that space is kind of around, that's around my age. They're starting to have kids, they're starting to buy houses and quote unquote, like settle down at like 30 and. You know, they worked out back in the day to attract a mate or to, you know, whatever that, and now they're like, oh, well I got all those boxes checked, like, why do I need to be in shape and mm-hmm. like, as soon as they hit their thirties, it's like, man, here comes like the, the beer belly. And it's like, well, I have 40 and 50. Are you gonna be able to play sports with your kids growing up? And that kind of stuff. Like, forget about even doing it at in your sixties. Right. And so, yeah, it's just kind of this crazy narrative that I think is especially popular here in, in western culture with big, big pharma and all that kind of stuff that we, we won't get into. I've done that on plenty of other episodes, but how yeah. How do, how do you feel now at 62 compared to, you started hiking regularly, like around 50, right?
Scott Tatum:Yeah, but you gotta, so yes, and I'm, I'm, I'm in, I feel better than I ever have. There is so much in, in all that too. And I am, mm-hmm. this is part of one of the things I'm working on. You're seeing, like, people are, again, I talk about you're wa you're watching what my, I'm trying to transform into my healing and stuff like that. So, I'm not gonna talk about some things I wanna talk about right now, but because it just gets off into some other things, I'm gonna stay, stay on focus here. And so I feel so much better better than I ever have at any stage in my life. I, I, I just will say I, I know what being fat is. You know, I'm, I'm six, almost 6 3, 16 and a half or six. We'd call whatever you want. And I'm about 180 5, 1 90. I matriculate in there. I was at one time when I was 35 years old, I was 2 60, 65. Wow. And, and, and it was, and I wasn't doing anything but playing some business golf here and there, you know, and things like, I mean, and so, yeah, it was it was, I was a, I was such a mess physically, so I know how much that impacted and kept me also stuck mentally. So that's where it's all part of it. Now that I've gone through this and done all the work I want, I want people to start doing the work when they're 15, when they're 20. You know, let's get in there when you're by, at least by your time you're 30. And my God, don't let yourself get to 40. Cuz I know what's happened for me, where my mind is and, and I'm, and what's ignited and what's just gotten on fire. And it's all because I feel better and I feel capable. And a lot of it is physically, look, I'm not jacked, you know, I, I, I don't, and I don't work to get jacked. I, I work to stay strong. Mm-hmm. flexible. So I can go out and hike and be as, as effective as I wanna be. So if I'm driving through Colorado later this summer and there's a fourteener there that, that, I'm like, you know what? I've been wanting to do that. I'm gonna pull the hell over. I'm gonna put my pack on it. I'm gonna, I'm going, I'm gonna go do, and I wanna be able to do it. That is what all of this does for you. So, zeroing back in on your question at 62, I feel amazing all because of that. It's, it's, it's a lifestyle. It's daily. And again, I encourage anybody outside, hiking, there's public lands out there around, A lot of people say, well, I can't afford to do what you do. I mean, you drive around, you gotta. Well, yeah, it guess costs money. You know, when it gets 25 degrees out and I'm in my camper and you know, I gotta get my propane heater going and it's gonna take a couple of canisters there and cost 10 bucks for the day, 10 bucks for, for the heat. You heat yourself. I don't have a mortgage. I don't, I've chosen this type of lifestyle. Yeah. Choose the lifestyle that will put you in that position to get healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually. Mm-hmm. So you can be better for yourself, be better for your, your kids. You can be a leader if you want to, and actually be doing it. All of those things. That's how I feel. I feel strong and capable and motivated as hell. That's awesome.
Bradley Roth:And I think that's possible for anyone to be on the upswing in your sixties and, you know, the kind of, mm-hmm. main, na mainstream narrative is the opposite of that, but it's. You touched on something too that always drives me insane, is when people see other people doing these things that are like, man, that'd be so cool to do. They're like, they immediately jumped to like, I can't do it. Instead of, well, let me think about it. He pro he, he gave up his house. He doesn't have a mortgage, he doesn't have this and that, and the comforts of, so it's like, it's, it's choices, it's decisions. Everyone who's doing these things that you look at like to do that, they're giving up something else most of the time. You know what I mean? Right. Like long, like, I've had a lot of people on the show who do long-term travel. We just did like a two month trip in Europe and you know, people are like, man, I, I wish I could do that. And I'm like, well, you can. We gave up our apartment. We, you know, saved up for a long time. We, you know, my wife didn't make any money nursing. She chose to take that time off and I made. For the last two or three years. Like that was something I wanted to do. And so I made sure I could work from anywhere. And so there's all of these things, all these factors that go into it. Mm-hmm. It's not just like, Hey, we're lucky or we're, you know, trust fund baby, so we could just do what we want. You know what I'm saying? So it all comes out. Yeah. I
Scott Tatum:have a friendly reminder on that. I did a, a few weeks ago that that, that, that touched on, touched on that There was a little resistance to it. I don't get a lot of resistance to my stuff, but there was a little to it. I said, look, if you wanna start doing things that matter, then stop doing things that don't Yep. Right. It's that simple. Exactly what you just said. The trading, you know, you know, it is really, it, it look, but I also get it. I also am empathetic. I also understand Right, how hard it's, but if you're not gonna do it, you're gonna criticize others for doing it. You're gonna blah, blah, blah. I said, again, if you are not gonna make those steps to do it, that's cool, that's cool. And if you, if you're good, that's cool. Mm-hmm. But otherwise, shut up. shut. Yeah, shut. Just shut up. Right. You know, you've got no narrative in the game here. Just, just go away. And, but if you ever wanna come back and you ever wanna ask me a question something productive, you know, can you help me with this? Or, Hey, here's my situation, you know, you know, you have any ideas around it, you know, I'll be glad to, to give you my thoughts if you ask me. But don't come around here saying, I gonna do that. Like you just said, I can't do that or care for you must be lucky, or mm-hmm. you know, you know, you must have a great pension or something. Like, no, I don't, I'm still, you know, I'm here grinding like everybody else, but I'm doing what I want to. Right? That's what, that's, that's, that's the other piece. Anyways.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. It comes down to like, if you've read the four agreements or familiar with that. Yeah. Never make assumptions, right. So, right. Yeah. But another thing that I'm curious about, you talk about public lands, which, you know, I'm somewhat familiar with, but like, I grew up in Boy Scouts camping all the time, and I didn't really know what public lands or BLM lands and that kind of stuff was until I moved out to Arizona in my late twenties. So, yeah, for people who are curious, it's all, most of it's at out west. Most of it's out west. Yeah. But for people who are curious and are like, okay, where can I, like, learn more or find public lands that I can go explore and stay on and that kind of thing. What are, where would you recommend they start?
Scott Tatum:So, there's a lot of apps out there. So I utilize apps. I've, I've been doing a long time now. I've got my favorite spots and things like that. Mm-hmm. but But you know, there's just simple apps. I mean, I don't work with any of these companies, but there's you know, I guess the main one that I would point anybody to if you want to start doing some of that is you can, you can actually use the National Forest and, and national Parks or what is it? B l M, you know, through all that, they're all connected to where you can get what's public and what might be you know, because public still, there could be some charges to it. Mm-hmm. sometimes public land, like some of the campgrounds in those, you know, are charging. But I, I don't, I don't utilize those unless I wanna shower or do something where they have those facilities, but Right. Give back to your question. There's a, there's an app called that I use mostly, it's called Cam camp. and, and you're gonna ask me how to spell it? I can't, but you can look, people can Google it. It's Cam and it, it's actually, they have a free part. The reason I give that when people ask me is, is it's free. I, I have upgraded one just cuz I wanna know about the cell service. I know about certain things that you get with upgrade, but you can get free thing tells you where everything, and you just tap on where you're at and it'll tell you where everything is around you. So, and, and a lot of people, they get the reason there's a mix up, I think, and that people I've talked to, so there's a big difference between national forest land and national parks. Mm-hmm. National Force, BM, B l m, land state sponsored lands Corps of Engineers. You know, there's all these little things that you, that are everywhere and and they're free. They're all, I mean, again, most of'em, you can find those if you want to pay, if you want little amenities, but being in the most beautiful spots as remote as you wanna be, or a lot of people that, that do that and travel to do that you, you'll see they'll congregate kind of together. You know, there'll be this open area over there. A lot of people like to park over there cause they feel safer and all those kind of things. Mm-hmm. and all that. And then there's people like me that, you know, I just, I wanna go back as far as I can go. And so you can find any of that and it's, it's free and it's beautiful and a lot of it is it's just not used. I mean, it's just so many forest roads that you can drive down. Mm-hmm. they go, they're not even on a lot of, I mean, they just go these, these places that people don't go. Anyways, it, it, it is what it, I just fell in love with him. I mean, I don't know. Mm-hmm. any other way I'd wanna travel. I, but here's the thing. I did all this because again, I wanted to spend this self-care Savage for me has really been putting myself in a lot of remote isolated areas to where, you know, for, for, you know, 10, sometimes 14 days, you know, I, I, I would be out when I first really started this. And, and, you know, the, there's, but again, people don't have to do it that way. They can do it however they want. You figure out what happens. There's so much, there's so much of it out there. But I think I was talking about national parks and National Forest, national Parks, everything you're gonna pay for mm-hmm. you gotta have a, have a park pass, or you gotta pay the daily rate. If you do want to camp, it's gonna be like an RV park. It's gonna be 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 bucks depending on where you're at. Mm-hmm. So there's a, that's a different kind of thing. So people, when they start researching things, they start looking at parks and they're like, well, I can't park here for this. There's, there's none of this. So you, again, you do have to search and look for public, open public lands and you know, people will be able to find it. Compendiums a great app for that. And was gonna tell you something else. But anyways, Okay.
Bradley Roth:I think, I think we got it. Yeah, that's helpful. I haven't heard of that app and. I never had it really spelled out the difference between the National Parks and National Forest. I kind of had, I was familiar, I've been to some national parks of, of course, and then out in Arizona where I was, there's, there's a lot of public lands. But yeah, I think it's accessible. It's for anyone Yes. Who wants to, wants to get there and affordable. Right. So, absolutely. But I also, I also think what you said is kind of a great analogy for not most people, you know, there's those people over there in the kind of the safe, open spots, and then yes, you're going off the beaten path, the path less traveled. And that's just kind of the whole mentality of not most people. But one thing before that I, I wanted to touch on while you were here was social media,
Scott Tatum:because Yeah. So
Bradley Roth:you kind of on the surface, almost go against what people would expect. You got this big. pretty engaged following with no real high production quality. You're, you're 60. Most people think they're too old for Instagram, you know, at that age. And, you know, if we're just being, being honest and, uh mm-hmm. and it's, it's just so simple. So like, what do you think are some of those, we talked about your message earlier and how a lot of people really resonate with it, but what are some of those things that you think really helps you kind of grow this, this following from scratch?
Scott Tatum:Because people know I'm, I'm, I'm for real. I mean, and, and what I mean, what I mean by that is, is, you know, I never realized, y again. You, you started understanding things cuz people start commenting on things and you start going, really, I do that, or I said that, or, that's how, but Okay. I, I wa. you have to go back to remember my kids, you know, my sons are 26 and 28. You know, I come from, one of'em is a videographer, and the other one's a very, he's very businessy and mm-hmm. he's crushing it. I, I could talk about my kids all day, but they're the, the social media stuff. And, and one of the first things that I picked up on very, very early was, you don't need production value. You don't need this, that, and the other. You don't need anything that I, I don't have a GoPro. I don't have a camera. I have my phone. Mm-hmm. So my YouTube videos, everything I do is done on my phone. Now, I've learned how to do some things a little differently so I can get through things, but All that. If you want to start posting, you wanna start, you've got something to say to the world and things like that. You just need to start doing it. If you are waiting to get what you need to make sure it's going to come off the way you want it, it's not, nobody's gonna watch you anyways because you just, did you not hear what just came outta your mouth? You, you have to present yourself in a certain way. Mm-hmm. people can't get outta that. Look, if you're a movie star or you're, you're a public figure that's, you know, on, on the news and stuff. I mean, that world's I entrenched itself and laid it down. It's never gonna change anytime soon. They have to be all made up in the prettiest wear, whatever the, you know, Gucci or whatever the hell they're gonna wear which is cool. I mean, my, so, you know, Gucci's cool. I'm not putting that down. I'm just saying that's, that's that level. That's, you know, I, I, there's advantages to being 60. First of all you're, when, when you get to be my age, there's no middle ground anymore. You're either still operating and kind of scared to do things. You're, however you were with maybe a little timid, you are, you know, you're like, ah, you know, that's, you know, whatever. Or you've gotten to like, where you're at, where I am right now. Where, look, I, I've already buried my ass. There's not anything else I could destroy in this world. I've I've failed pretty much at everything. I've almost been the pinnacle and burnt myself down. I've done all these things and, and I don't care about impressing people. There's, there's, there's two people I care about are impressing, and those are my sons. That's it. Mm-hmm. there's, there's, that's the, those are my whys. That's what I care about. So when I put that phone on me and I'm hiking, it's not. Staged, it's not whatever at that moment. And, and so, and then I got a tip from somebody and I don't even remember who it was, but it was so powerful Bec because they, I was talking to him and I remember them asking me, what are you trying to do? Why can't I remember who this was? And I said, well, I'm just, I'm just trying to put myself out there. I'm trying to hold myself accountable. All that stuff I told you. And they said, well, you, you know, people are, are kind of resonating with that. He says, he said, lemme give you a tip about videoing. He said, stop looking at yourself on the phone, because when you're looking at yourself on the phone, it doesn't, people don't think you're looking at them. Hmm. He said, start looking at the cam. The little, the little camera thing. Yeah. So I started doing that and it was like immediate. people started the, the comments were coming in, you know, with other comments. Like, I feel like you're talking, you're looking right at me. Mm-hmm. I feel like you're talking straight to me. Mm-hmm. these are just evolutions of things. You start realizing when you're trying to spread a message, you know, these are things that you do need to, to, to give to people you need, you do need to learn to do things a little bit different. But I know you talked about simplicity. That's the simplicity. I started with my phone. I do whatever. I've learned a few things to do with it. I do different captions now. You know, I do all these other things. I do I do cut it from that very beginning to the end. You know, I do certain things with those friendly reminders but I don't mess with the I don't, I don't do anything where it changes my skin tone or what, what is it called? I don't, I mean, I don't Photoshop anything. Whatever. You, you see me and it's the natural setting. I've tried to put it on some different things and I'm like, well, that, that looks weird. That's, to me, it doesn't look like me. Right? So, so I just don't do it. Trust me, I'm human. I have things going through my head all the time. How can, how can I make this better? How can I tweak this and do this? And every time I mess with my friendly reminders every time, like I've, I tried to take off music. I've tried to put different music on. Now this, again, now we're talking about getting a little bit toward, you know, I, you know, you, you do do what you want to do, but also you start seeing, and, and, and again, this social media plays on the algorithms. Mm-hmm. And they play and they see what you do and you don't do, and they see what works and doesn't. I don't know exactly all about'em. Anybody tells you they do doesn't. But it, everything you do do does play into it. So I always tinker with, I always tinkered with it to where I don't tinker with it anymore. So I just do the same thing every day. My friendly reminders I don't mess with. I test some other things for maybe some future use. But the friendly reminders, I'm, I'm out wherever I'm at, like to this morning's one. You can go look at it. I'm wearing what I'm wearing now. Yeah. This is what I wore yesterday, but I'm walking, I got off the side of the road. In fact, I was, it was close to the Mexican border when I was coming down 10. And, and where I stopped actually the border patrolman, you know, after I was done video, he came by and if you look at my rig, you know, I look like I'm, you know, fixing a Baja or something. But you know, and I'm, I'm on this fence line kind of off, off the road and I had to show him my, I said, well, I said, here's what I do. And I said, I was just doing a video and da da da da. I'm not waiting for, you know, pick up, you know, a couple of border hoppers and take them anywhere, So, anyways, but I, I just stop. I, I do, you know, I, I, you know, I got whatever's on my mind and, and, and I just, you know, that, that was where I was at. Anyways, just again, the whole thing about not you people, especially starting. If they, if they're gonna try to be perfect, then they're gonna try to have what they need. I can tell you right now, it's never gonna happen cuz you'll not do it. Right. You pick up your phone and just do whatever it is you wanna do. The, the other thing I will say is there is value in production, things like that. Mostly on, this is me, mostly on Instagrams and talks Facebook and things like that. When you're doing videos for those platforms and things like that, you don't need some huge production value anyways. Now what I have learned is YouTube is a whole different game when you start getting into long form video things like that, that, that's a different ballgame. That's been one of my weakest, weakest pieces and with this new series that I have coming out, starting in a couple weeks where I'm hiking with people, we're talking about mental health and the things we're doing. I'm not gonna give it all the way out. I don't even have a name for it, but I've been planning it for a long time. But, I, I'm bringing my son on. He's gonna kind of produce it. I'm just gonna shoot it. I'm gonna send him the, the footage and he's gonna turn it and I hope to gold, but he's got all the software and does all that. Mm-hmm. he can make the, the good cuts. He can do all those things. And that's very important for YouTube. Right. But if you're just starting out and you're just on social I mean, if I, if, if this is advice I'm, I'm giving or some knowledge is just, just do it. It's just like, it's just like every excuse you come up with, with not exercising, or every excuse you come up with, with not eating better. Mm-hmm. or, you know, or, or, or reading more or, you know, whatever you need to, all the excuses. I don't have time on all that, or, you know, or, or how to do it, or I don't have what I need. Mm-hmm. you know, like, the only thing I can equate it to is, look, you got a phone. Okay. And if, if you don't, you wanna work out and you don't, you can't go to the gym, you can't afford it, you don't have equipment, then, then drop. Gimme 10. You know? Right. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's mm-hmm. it's, we talk ourselves out of it. And that's the only advice. I guess the core of that is just pick up your phone and do it. Everybody has the phone. Yep. Hit record, upload it to your social media and get ready. Hey, you look a fat, or, or you know, like, you know, you, you talk funny. Whatever it's gonna be. If you can't just go delete block or ignore it if you're gonna leave it, laugh it off. Yeah, laugh it off then then don't do it because you are only gonna crush yourself more because you're already not doing the self-care. Savage work for everything else. Cuz you won't even turn your camera on and put it, upload it. This is, all this stuff ties in together. You know, again, you wanna test yourself. You wanna test your, see where you're at, level of how much you care about what people think. Post some stuff on social media. Yep. A hundred percent. That, that'll, that'll, that'll give you a real good idea of where you think, you think you are
Bradley Roth:anyway. Yeah. And sometimes that can be valuable. That feedback can be very valuable. Absolutely. Yeah. But well, there's so there, there's so much good about it. Yeah. Yeah. One other thing that stands out about your me, like we talked about, it's some, it's simple, it's authentic, it's real. But the other thing is that it's very consistent. Like people go on there and they know exactly what you're about very quickly. Whereas I think a lot of people, you know, they want to talk about this and that, or sound really smart and then they lose people and that sort of thing. So I think the consistency and simplicity is an auth authenticity. Like you had put those three things together and good things are gonna happen. So, but also I'm wondering. For you, when you come up with your videos, is it, do you kind of come up with one every time you hike? Or is it you'll get a flood of inspiration and do like five in a row? Or, and do you have a bunch banked up or do you kind of do'em just as they post'em as they come? What's
Scott Tatum:your All, all the above? Yeah. It, it, it's, it's where I'm at, what I'm doing, what's happening, what yeah. I, it's, it's all the above. I take what I can get here is, here is the thing. It is I have to do it every day. Mm-hmm. I don't care what day it's, so whether it's something I've already shot or whatever I'm posting, it's gonna get posted. Mm-hmm. And I've, I've even tried to incorporate kind of regular life. Like when I say regular life, like if I'm with my boys or I'm in this mm-hmm. if I'm in the city, you know, and these are, these are those little other little nuances. So that are part of it. It, you know, it, it takes away from what it's all about anyways. It's, well, you're not outside, you know, then, then here come all, and, and it just makes you realize that what you just said is the reason. It is gaining traction. People are getting things from it. So Bradley, here, here's, here's the thing. Well, you know, because, because sometimes people go, well, you're kind of contradicting what you're saying by, you know, trying to massage some of these things you do, but you're saying you just do things up. And here's what I tell people. I said, why? I said, please go look at any of my posts. And I said, please take 10 minutes and read it. The comment. and you tell me if you don't wanna be better. Mm-hmm. you tell me if that was you doing that, that those people telling you that you saved their life, that they've been able to move on from this relationship. They were able to, to, to walk away from this abusive person. They were able to, to now they're going hiking and you know, things have really changed and, and, and they've gotten this new job and gotten outta this toxic whatever, this or whatever. Since you read all those, I said there's not two of them on there. I said there's hundreds. Mm-hmm. That's why I try to do better. That's why, you know that I, that I do, do some of those say so if those people, I'm not hitting, if I, if I'm, if it takes me a little more work, takes me time to drive, takes me more thought process. Putting myself in a, in a better place. That's what I do. I still don't care when I turn the camera on what this is going on here. Mm-hmm. I still don't care about anything like that. But my message is about the outdoors. It's about hiking, it's about mental health, public lands, and that's what all ties in those friendly reminders. So on an off chance you might catch me, you know, one here and there, but I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure everything I post has all those elements in it, because that's my message and that's what's everybody's, it's resonating with everybody evidenced by go read the comments. Because when I put it something up that maybe doesn't have that thing that put they put together, it's like, what, what happened? Well, I was just not in a good position. But these are things that I, I take are very important. This platform's important. I, I, I tell my, I even tell my followers that says, you guys are safe here. I said, I protect this with my life. Mm-hmm. my son that I'm bringing on to help me with stuff. I've given him some, the, the, the information he needs to get into the things he needs to get in to do, do what he does, but I still won't give him my Instagram login stuff and all two-factor stuff and all that because it can be destroyed in a minute. But I am so protective of all this whole community where it's going. I'm so grateful that, that, that something like this happened and this is opportunities, this is, this is one of those opportunities not just for me, but always what I've done is, is do something that's helped others. Anything I've done in my life, but I've always, again, When it started getting any traction or it was getting to a certain point is when I chop my, chop my legs out from underneath me. Mm-hmm. that ain't happening this time. I'm gonna, this is, this is, we're gonna ride, ride and die this one out. And so it's just that, it's, it's that it's that important to me. So, anyway. Yeah. No,
Bradley Roth:I love that you're on track again. No, I think you're right on track. I think that's kind of this beautiful evolution. I've seen it time and time again where some people start something really for themselves, right? You were doing this for yourself initially. Mm-hmm. and then because it provides value to other people, it grows and then eventually it becomes, you're doing it because you feel a responsibility to the people that you're, and it's more about them at a certain point than it is for you, even though I'm sure it's still, you know, your, your form of medicine and everything, but Absolutely. Yeah. It's just cool how that happens and you know, I think it's important for people to see that so, I know we could probably keep going here for a while, but I think yeah, we should probably start wrapping it up here soon. But first I wanna ask you the question that I ask everyone who comes on the show, and that is, what is your definition of not most people? Or what does that mean to you?
Scott Tatum:It means pushing through the the things that are hard. Most people stop when it gets hard. Mm-hmm. And there's, you gain nothing from that. And that's, I, I think that's, that's, that's a big one for me. I did it for decades. Being 62 years old, things that I've done have not been for a couple years. I did that for decades until I embrace. and sometimes I guess you do have to give up or get to a point like that. Mm-hmm. And I think most, not most people, I think they all have some sort of a story where, you know, there's very few that were, I think, born in that kind of estate. Mm-hmm. they came through something or pushed through something or did something to, to, to become not most people. And I think that I think everybody can be, if they will embrace, you know, the simple or just little saying, embrace the suck of whatever it is, push through it, and you will not be most people. I think one of my most to, to end what I'm saying with this, my, one of my very popular friendly reminders is you know, Congratulations for trying, because most people don't, man,
Bradley Roth:that's, it's so simple but very powerful. Very true. So I love that answer. And it's funny, you, I just now thought of it, but we were talking about you doing all these hikes and being your best at 62. I just had a woman on a couple episodes back named Ann Laura Moore, and she is the oldest person to ever climbed Kil Manjaro at 89. Oh, really? Yeah, so, oh my gosh. Yeah. Oh yeah. She, she was awesome. And she didn't like you. She wasn't like a serious hiker her whole life. She kind of got into it later on and but a lot of the same messages and, and same wisdom. I noticed some overlap between both of you guys. So, nice. Yeah. Yeah. Lots, lots of wisdom and, and life experience, which I think is very valuable for the audience. But I know. we talked about social media and that kind of thing, but you know, where can people find you? What do you have going on that you maybe want to share or promote?
Scott Tatum:So I have one handle. There's so many people that are trying to sabotage people and fake accounts and mm-hmm. All this identity stuff, all this stuff. But anyways, I have one handle. It's you, the letter U can c a n, outdoors with an S. So I can't explain any more than that, but it's u can outdoors. That's on all my social media platforms, which TikTok, Facebook Instagram is, is probably the most active. And then YouTube. So. There's just a lot going on with what I have out. The main thing is, is I do have a, a friendly reminder book coming out. I don't know if exactly gonna be titled that but that'll be supposed to be coming out September, 2023 just finished kind of most of the writing of that few weeks ago. So it's all, it's other productions. And then I have some stuff happening with YouTube that's going to expand on this, this this whole message. Mm-hmm. to two things doing, going to people that are making an impact in the world of hiking and, and a little bit around the, the mental health and all that, all that as well as public lands in a lot of ways. And tying, again, tying all of this, this messaging in with you know, with the friendly reminders and everything, the platforms about.
Bradley Roth:Very cool. Yeah. Guys, make sure you go follow all of Scott's at U Cann Outdoors on all the different platforms and get those friendly reminders. Become a self-care savage and go right before we sign off, do you have any, any last kind of friendly reminder for the audience? You
Scott Tatum:know, so I've always gotta ask that a lot. Mm-hmm. and you know how when that kind of stuff happens and it, it, it really stuck me a couple times when I was on some lives, when I first started doing some lives on some of the platforms. People would ask me that and I would, I just get hung up. I get stuck hard to pick one. Yeah. When I'm naturally talking, you know, as you've experienced, you know, I can pick up a few from the past and I'll, and I'll relate them to this, but when I get asked that so I have one that's very, I very particularly, very important to me that I always bring up. So, yeah. Yeah, I do. So let me see if I can, can, can get that, get that focus around that. So friendly reminder right now, this moment is the only moment that matters. There you go. Yeah,
Bradley Roth:I've seen that. Simple, but something we always forget, especially in this past pace world. So if my to add on to that, you know, if you're not itching to get outdoors after this episode, I, I don't know what to tell you, but make sure you go spend more time outdoors, hiking away from the kind of the noise and modern life. But man, that's it. Thank you so much, Scott, for coming on today. I really enjoyed this conversation. Sure. And I know the audience listening will as well.
Scott Tatum:Thanks Bradley. Thanks for letting me spread the messages a little more. Of
Bradley Roth:course, of course. Thanks. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you everyone for tuning in. I hope you got a lot out of this. I know I did. And again, as I mentioned before, if you wanna check out. you know, everything. Not most people, everything Scott's going on, all the links, all that good stuff is gonna be in the show notes. So in addition to that, just like share and subscribe if you got value outta this. So that's it. Thanks for tuning in. We'll see you in the next one. And always remember, don't be most people.