Not Most People
Not Most People
Setting World Records And Living An Extraordinary Life At 89 Years Old with Anne Lorimor -086
In this episode, I'm joined by Anne Lorimor, one of the most impressive and genuine people I've ever met. She is a Guinness World Record Holder, keynote speaker, and philanthropist.
Anne was born at the beginning of the great depression as the oldest of 10 children. Despite growing up poor, she went on to earn a B.A. in Journalism, B.S. in Nursing, R.N., M.S. in counseling, M.S. in health education, and Ph.D. in mass communications.
Then in the early 80's she was diagnosed with lymphoma. She managed to beat it.
And then in 2015 at 85 she summited Mt. Kilimanjaro (the highest peak in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain in the world) to become the oldest person to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. But then someone beat her record so she decided she had to take it back and climbed it again at the age of 89. It took her 9 days to reach the top (with 3 broken ribs).
Her motivation was raising money for her nonprofit foundation Creating Exciting Futures which seeks to help give every child the chance to reach their full potential.
In addition to that, she recently climbed Machu Pichu and she has traveled to over 100 countries.
Inside The Episode:
- How Anne beat cancer in an unconventional way
- Why you shouldn't ignore cliche sayings
- How Anne managed to climb Kilimanjaro (twice) in her late 80's
- How living and traveling overseas will change your life
- Why you're truly never to old or young to accomplish your goals
- Simple principles to stay happy and healthy no matter your age
- How to walk the fine line between calculated risk and recklessness
- The difference between a hand up and hand out
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Hey everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Not Most People podcast. This is your host, Bradley, and this is the show for those allergic to mediocrity group think and following the status quo. And before we get into today's episode, which I know I, I say I'm excited about, just about every guest, but this one is kind of different from all the rest and truly special and you'll see why just a minute. But before we get into that, I would just like to remind you guys, if you're tuning in for the first. Welcome to the show, and if you are a repeat listener, my one ask is just that you help me return the value that hopefully I brought to you. So if you get value outta the podcast, if you learn something, if it inspires you, if it makes you laugh, whatever it might be, just that you help me out by sharing the show with one person, you know, that you think would get value out of it. So social media and all that kind of stuff is awesome too, but chances are if you got something out of it, you know one person who also will. So I just ask that you share it with them however you want to do that. And I do put a lot of time, energy, and money into this show. And I don't run ads and I just do that as long as you guys will continue to help, support and grow the show with me. So that's my one ask if you want to leave a review. I would also be greatly appreciative of that. And then we got a lot of cool stuff going on with not most people beyond the podcast. And to learn about all of that, you can go ahead and check the links in the show notes. So that's it for housekeeping. We're gonna get right into today's episode. I have a very special guest, Ann Laura Moore, and welcome to the show. Thank you.
Anne Lorimor:I'm glad to
Bradley Roth:be here. Awesome. So I'll give you guys a quick, well, I'll try to make it quick. She has quite a resume, but Anne was born in the middle of the Great Depression as the oldest of 10 children. And despite growing up somewhat poor, she went on to earn a bachelor's in journalism, a bachelor's in nursing, became a registered nurse, a master's in counseling, a master's in health education, and a PhD in mass communications. So very impressive there right off the bat. But in addition to. In the early eighties, she was diagnosed with lymphoma. She managed to beat it. We're gonna talk about that cuz that's kind of an interesting story there. And then in 2015, and this is probably what she's most publicly known for at 85 she summited Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. It's the highest peak in Africa, and it's the highest single free-standing mountain in the world. She became the oldest person to do it, but then someone beat her record. So she decided she had to take it back and climbed it again at the age of 89. Took her nine days and made her the oldest person to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. And her motivation for that was raising money for her nonprofit foundation, creating exciting futures, which seeks to help every child be able to fulfill their full potential. In addition to that, she recently climbed Machu Picchu and has also been to over 100 countries. So, This is one where I was like, okay, this might be a Joe Rogan episode. I have so many questions. It could go two, three hours. We'll see how it goes. But I wanna start off with the beginning. So oldest of 10 children. I'm the oldest of four. My parents both grew up in massive families. My dad was one of nine, my mom was one of 17. But I want to ask, do you feel that being the oldest of 10 had anything to do with kind of that sense of ambition or that indi independent spirit that you seem to have?
Anne Lorimor:I'm not sure that being the oldest did that, but it certainly gave me a lot of responsibility and so I had to think about ways to handle that and still get on and do what I wanted to do.
Bradley Roth:Yeah, I know, it's just interesting. I was reading there's this book called The Birth Order Book that I came across recently, and it talks about how. your birth order, like being the oldest or a middle child or the youngest or only child, tends to affect kind of personalities and the oldest child tends to be the most kind of independent and like leaders and a type and that kind of stuff. So I was just wondering if that played into that being the oldest and having that sense of like, I don't almost being a leader amongst your siblings or anything like that. Well, I
Anne Lorimor:certainly didn't know about the research at that time, but I definitely did feel that I led them a lot at the time. Yeah, I, when I climb now, I say I'm not setting any speed records, only age records, but when I was younger I was the leader of the pack and I liked
Bradley Roth:that. Awesome. So did you always feel driven to do a lot because that's a lot of degrees that you earned. Was that all kind of at once or were they spread out throughout your life or were, did you just love learning? What was the kind of motivation behind all that?
Anne Lorimor:I always loved learning, but I didn't certainly think I was gonna have a lot of degrees. I, I, even when I was a little girl, I thought I was going to college. But then when I was about 15, I read something that said you had to be very intelligent to go to college. And I thought, I told my teacher, well that washes me out. And she said, no, you're not gonna have any problem. So I went on doing what I'd intended to do all the time. I do believe that it's important. Our family was always important. And so I wanted to see the best possible for them. And in a number of times in my life, I've helped them out when I thought it would be useful. when my mother was off on her own when I was still in my early twenties, I got her a cow because they didn't have enough to eat and they lived in the country thought, well, this will help them at least have some food. And so things like that happened. Yeah I'm very fond of my brothers and sisters and I'm proud of every one of them, you know? Spite of a very backward start. There's not a one of'em that ended up in prison and every one of'em own ended up owning their own home and know many things that I'm proud of.
Bradley Roth:That's awesome. So they kind of followed in your footsteps a little bit in some ways,
Anne Lorimor:sounds like. But you did say that I was in the middle of depression. Not true. I was born at the beginning of the depression, and I suffered the whole thing and ours didn't end when other peoples did. I think we were still sort of depressed, even at the end of the war, so.
Bradley Roth:Wow. So you've seen a lot of these, yeah. You've seen a lot of these cycles and ups and downs in society since then, so, yes. I could ask you like what do you think about what's going on now in the world and stuff, but that's, I don't wanna get too off topic, so I wanna know. Good I wanna know. So you have bachelor's in journalism, nursing, you know, other degrees in health education, counseling. What was, did you have like a main career after going to.
Anne Lorimor:I did a number of things in the various fields that I had when I started college. I was sent to a small religious college that didn't have any accreditation, and I always felt I wanted to get somewhere and I better give myself every advantage possible. So I get accepted by the University of Cincinnati, and I'd lived there for a year and supported myself totally. But they said, oh, you're not a resident. Your parents are a resident in Arizona. And I'd been supporting myself and everything else, so I just couldn't do it. So then I said, okay, the nursing opportunity came along. I got a full ride scholarship. So I said, well, it'll be a good backup for me. It wasn't what I intended to do. My aunt was a nurse and my mother was a teacher. And those were the two things that women thought about in those days. Right. And I thought about both of'em, but I decided on teaching and it took a long time to get there. So, and as for the counseling, that was even later because I had been away for a while living overseas and doing other kinds of things, and I wanted to really counsel people. So I started to do social work that was filled. So there was counseling sounded about the same, and I signed up for it and did it.
Bradley Roth:Wow, that's interesting. My mom will probably listen to this episode and she just went back to school in her late fifties and she just started out her career as a counselor. So that's kinda interesting. But good for
Anne Lorimor:her. Oh, a lot. People scared me a lot. They said, oh, you know, you can't do it. Somebody'll sue you. And it did get slowed down, but it never got totally stopped. Yeah,
Bradley Roth:I think that's an important lesson. Right. But so coming out, did you work as a nurse for a while or did you work mainly as a. or a little bit of both.
Anne Lorimor:I've done both. Yeah. I worked as a teacher while I was getting I'm sorry, as a nurse, while I was getting ready to go back to college, wanted creative writing, he didn't have it, so I thought journalism was the next best thing. at the same time. I had my RN at that time, but I thought, well, let's have a backup. I mean, I'm, there's nobody to support me. I don't have a big family behind me or a foundation or anything else. I have to do it on my own. So I did the double major of the BS in nursing and the AB and journalism.
Bradley Roth:Gotcha. So the journalism, did you ever directly go into that or become a journalist?
Anne Lorimor:Not really. Yeah. I've used it in everything I've done, I think. Yeah. Because I did a number of things, like when I worked for Red Cross, it was helpful in my reports. And I worked I got a, just a an internship done in Los Angeles, and again, I felt that the journalism helped in the reports, it was with the health department, and I felt that journalism was very helpful in expressing
Bradley Roth:myself. Yeah, one of, one of those degrees that I think develops a lot of those soft skills that translates into a lot of other things. Communication, you know, right now communication is one of the most valuable skills on the planet. So I'm sure that came in handy, but I wanna know it cuz I look at I see a little bit of this early life, right? All your education, your early life with your family. And then I know a lot of the recent stuff climbing, kil, manjaro, but I'm kind of curious about like that gap in between, you know, like say from your twenties to your fifties or sixties. You know, were you hiking, were you always active? Were you doing lots of different things? I know that's an open
Anne Lorimor:question very clearly, I've never been a professional climber, but I always. worked to exercise into my life because I thought that if you feel good, you can do everything better. I got the master's degree because somebody I'd babysat for had got a master's in health education. It fit well with the journalism and that's what where I went, worked for Red Cross quite a while after that one, and then I. I never said, this is my career. I never said that this is what I'm doing now and I'm enjoying it and I'm helping people, but I want to go back and get my PhD. And so my advisor as an undergrad had steered me onto some places where there were good programs and I applied actually, and I was accepted by all three, which is amazing to me. So I chose the one that had her professor and that I thought was very good program. That was in Wisconsin. And the fun things happened there too. I belonged to the yacht club there for a little while and just some fun things happened.
Bradley Roth:So at what point in your life was that? What age were you when that happened?
Anne Lorimor:I think that I was just in my early thirties when I started my PhD. Oh, okay. Gotcha. I spent the rest of the time, I'd worked, as I told you, as a nurse, and I'd worked for Red Cross. Doing some of those things. And then later on. I taught. After I got my PhD, I went overseas to Spain and got my certificate in Spanish studies and spent some years traveling around there. And then I got hired from over there and started teaching and did it for a number of years and Wow. Enjoyed it very much.
Bradley Roth:So you taught in Spain,
Anne Lorimor:English is second language, yes. Okay. It is how I supported myself.
Bradley Roth:Oh, very cool. So what was that like living overseas? Cause I think that's an experience that not a lot of people have had. I know we just traveled my wife and I overseas and I feel like you learned so much. And what was that like for you? Did that change the rest of your life after
Anne Lorimor:that? I already had a pretty broad view of things cuz I had been in 18 states by the time I was five years old. We were just travelers, but it was wonderful. I, I love Spain. The people there had such a sense of self and self pride in things. I liked them so much and they taught me some of their dances and I got to see some of their museums. And when I was teaching in the Institute for north American Studies. I never saw a place, have so many holidays as a Spain. Religious holidays, secular holidays, and every kind, every time there was a holiday, I traveled somewhere. So I didn't come home. A lot of the kids that know I said, I'm going home later, but now I'm gonna see everything I can. And I saw a lot of Europe, that, you know, Portugal and France and Germany and all over of course, a lot of Spain.
Bradley Roth:Wow. It's funny cuz that reminds me of, we were in Albania recently, and they were like, yeah, we, the joke in Albania is like, they don't, there's no official religion, so they just, every religions, holidays, it's like a day off for everyone. So they have all these days off for Hanukkah, for Christmas, for like, you know, you name it. So they're like we love all the religions because we get days off of work and stuff like that. So that's kind of funny, but but one thing that I noticed you said that I think is subtle, but really important is you said, I never really, you know, said, oh, this is my career. It's what I'm doing now. Right. So did you kind of have that mindset of like, I'm not gonna just do one thing forever. I'm going to continue to learn and evolve and try different things.
Anne Lorimor:I always wanted to learn. I have a little motto that says it's never too early to start and it's never too late to learn and grow. But what I meant by the career I wanted was teaching in college. And I had been told in Berkeley that maybe I could teach in a women's college, somebody that it was all possibly be available for me. Well, things began to change and I'm so happy that my nieces and grand nieces and all have opportunities I didn't have. But what I really wanted to do was teach in college. And I did that until they became ill. Gotcha. Something that I felt that kind of was my career. Gotcha. But after that, then I came and was a health inspector for the state of Arizona in the health department. Cause that was, I had a good background for that. Good for the reporting and good for the knowledge of it. And I did that until I retired. Oh
Bradley Roth:wow. So I guess now I understand your foundation is very focused on helping kids and a lot of that probably comes from being a teacher for so long and all that, and just being around kids and watching them learn and that kind of experience.
Anne Lorimor:Well, let me tell you some of the experiences that did lead to my being especially interested in kids. When I was in grad school, again, I was working my way with help for an assistantship and I was a nanny for a professor. And those little kids, there was the little three year old, he said, talk to me about like things, for example, Italian cars. He talk about Ferrari and Lamborghini and other rats. And I just, the open mouth, you know, they know so much Uhhuh, and I read to them every night. They had a stack of books you wouldn't believe, and I'd just read to them every night, something. So they were getting all kinds of expansive opportunities. But then when I'd go home, During the holidays, my mother lived in a not very affluent area and down the street from her, some of her church members lived and there was a mother and father and twin boys that lived in a house no bigger than the professor's living room. And in that house I didn't see a single book. And they were bright little boys. I just said, somebody's gotta level this point field. These kids deserve a chance. Yeah. So I worked at it and I always had done volunteer work for the, I did Salvation Army Meals. I served while I was in undergrad. And I still do all kinds of things to help kids. Family promise, which helps transitional homeless and I, the work that I'm so proud of and my church has, they, they take people who are maybe the kind that live paycheck to paycheck and they have maybe one of'em loses a job. Excuse me.
Bradley Roth:No worries.
Anne Lorimor:So, or there's a catastrophic illness and all of a sudden they're out in the street. So this organization houses them in churches a week at a time, and they give them use access to a telephone, access to a computer, and they give'em an address. And I heard a joke about that and I say it's a lot easier to find a job if you can say, this is my dress than I'm living under the secondary, outside the city limits. And so this is offered to them, and I help with that. I stay overnight, be the hosting thing. I help serve meals, few things like that. And I liked them, particularly because they're one of the few shelters in the state of Arizona, maybe a whole lot of other states that takes care of the pets. I am, I love animals, particularly dogs. And they told me that people would come there out on the street and they'd offer'em a place. They said, but you can't keep your dog. And they'd say, well, we won't stay there. We go back on the street. Well, now it's not ideal. They have great big cages where the dogs are, but the dogs are exercise. There's somebody on duty 24 hours a day, and people get to visit their dogs. And so I'm just, it's just something that makes me so happy. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. So I wanna to, I wanna talk more about the foundation, but it, I wanna come back to it because it's ties into something I wanna bring up later. But but I love that story. We'll get into that more, but I want to ask you about when you were diagnosed with lymphoma. I think it, you said it was the eighties, early eighties. Yes. When that happened. Yeah. How old were you
Anne Lorimor:for that? I would've been in my early fifties. Early fifties I got a disease that usually only men over 50 got. But I got it. Anyway,
Bradley Roth:just lucky, huh?
Anne Lorimor:Yeah, just lucky. And I, so I asked my doctor what my chances were. and he told me I had about a 50% chance of being alive in a year. I said, Uhuh, I'm gonna be here. Yeah. And so I did everything he told me, but then I said to him, now, may I do all these other things? I did biofeedback and I did meditation, and I did exercise and everything I could think of to help myself. Cause I said, obviously I wasn't doing it right or this wouldn't have happened. I was under a lot of stress. it was a, I was the very first woman that had ever been in that particular organization. And I, you know, it was hard because Yeah. You got enough to overcome just teaching in a new place without being teaching as a woman in a new place where you're har aren't horribly well accepted. So anyway I got through it. Yeah. And I, I say now that I am not a survivor, I am a victor.
Bradley Roth:I love that. And I find it so interesting because you said you were doing meditation visualization, these things that aren't widely prescribed for people who have cancer. Or at least, you know, maybe today it's starting to become a little bit more known, but was that considered pretty, like kind of woo-hoo, or,
Anne Lorimor:Oh, I'm sure it was. Yeah. But I read a book called I think it was Medicine Miracles by Bernie Siegel, and I certainly took that to heart. And I read about a woman who had another kind of cancer, but she absolutely did all the things I was doing and some more. And she came through and I thought, I and I believe in prayer and there were people all over the place praying for me too. And I certainly accepted every bit of that. And I just felt like I've got to do this. Took me a while. I was not my usual health, healthy, vibrant self, I can promise you. And I took their chemotherapy because I said, what I did, it hasn't worked. I've got to give myself a boost, then I'm gonna try to never let it happen again.
Bradley Roth:I love that. And it hasn't happened again. Right.
Anne Lorimor:I got a tiny little bit of cancer in my appendix when they took it out. I didn't have that taken out until I was 70. Just ready to, well, I think it was just after I retired from the state of Arizona. It didn't let stop me. That's all. Never, ever quit. That's one of my major mottos. I
Bradley Roth:love that. And I just find it so interesting because I think people who get sick a lot of times will just. I'd say like 95% of people just rely on the chemo. You know, they don't do the visualization, they don't change the lifestyle so much. So I think that's something that really stood out to me, especially to do that back then. Because like you said, you gotta help yourself as much as you can, and I think it's kind of taking your own power back. And then I'm curious too, did those, were you already meditating and visualizing, or did that kind of become like a lifelong habit from that?
Anne Lorimor:I really wasn't. I always tried to eat well. I tried to get enough sleep, which I never did. And I also tried to handle my stress, which I didn't do well. It was a very difficult job. it really was. I like teaching the kids, but on the other hand, I mean, they weren't kids, they were young adults, but it, I did. One time, for example, I went to a professor's party, I was invited to when I first got there. So I marched up to the door and the woman looks at me shaking her head and I got the feeling she was gonna say, no, no salesmen here. She just wasn't used to any women professors, you know, Right. But I explained who I was treated me perfectly well. But it, there were always the kind of thing that made you feel that you weren't quite accepted. You
Bradley Roth:didn't quite belong. Yeah,
Anne Lorimor:exactly. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:So, I mean, do you feel like when you look around decades, like in, you know, past generations versus like today, and there's so many more people with cancer and heart disease and all these other things, do you think, I mean, obviously there's lots of different factors, but do you see like people in general seem to be more stressed out today than. Then back then,
Anne Lorimor:but I'm not going to stop with that, Bradley. Right? I and I'm not an expert. All right. I'm just saying it's my impression and some experts say it that all of this electronic equipment we have has some effect on us. And when I have my little phone, I put it away from me at night. I put it where I can reach it, but not where it's gonna be giving me Right electrons or whatever it isf. Yeah. Yeah. And. I think a lot of people aren't really as into health as I am. My mother grew up on a farm and she, we were very poor, but she always tried to give us the best food she could give us. And see that it was healthy stuff. I still to this day don't drink sodas or coffee or tea and, you know, a lot of the stuff that's not really considered very good and it's no effort for me because I just don't even like it But I do try to do what I can and people, and I got disgusted one time said to my sister, you know, if you listen to all of these people, you wouldn't need anything. And that's the truth. Everybody Yeah. Knocks on something. So I say, okay, be balanced and try to choose. What in your mind seems the most sensible thing? I like to do citrus fruits, for example, and I'm fine with milk. They say nobody in the rest of the world drinks it. Well, I drink it and I feel it keeps, helps me stay healthy. to keep my bones up because after all I'm old enough that I can have problem with that if I didn't work at it. So, yeah. Anyway I just try to say balance is probably the most important thing of all. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:And was that something that you felt really shifted for you after, Nope. Or beating cancer? No. Nope.
Anne Lorimor:I still say I was doing all the right things. I was eating well, I was exercising, I was doing, but I was stressed to the max all the time. Yeah. And I, that was what it was. It had to have been because there wasn't anything else there. So I had to find ways to handle my stress without it internalizing it.
Bradley Roth:can you share some of that? Cuz I think there's a lot of people who are listening to this and are like, man I'm trying to do all the right things, but I'm stressed as heck and always busy and that sort of thing. Do you have any tips for people? Well,
Anne Lorimor:one of the things I use a lot is affirmations, which I hadn't done much before that and when I get. Oh, exercised about, for example, the food, the way people are, I say, yeah, I can't do anything about this. I can do this. And I always say to myself, and when I get start going off the handle and I say, this is not helping anything, let's think about doing something that was profitable or has some purpose to it. that would be my main thing. I find your own way to relieve stress. Yeah. Now my, I have a girlfriend that loves bubble baths. I mean, I mean, not me, but when I am stressed I swim or I walk or I read a book and I like the funny ones that make me laugh and get out of myself. Yeah. So those are the kinds of things I should, and try to get enough rest. I mean, I sometimes leave the light down all night long, which is stupid and I shouldn't be doing it. Yeah. So I'm trying very hard to have a set bedtime. Do it. Yeah. But always read something before I go to sleep because that, that relaxes me.
Bradley Roth:for sure. Yeah. It kind of, you know, that voice in your head can start to kind of run away at night, but if you read, it's kind of almost like you're taking control of that internal voice in a sense. It helps for me. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, yeah, a couple of key things there to summarize, which I totally agree with. I think, man, probably the vast majority of people now do not spend nearly enough time outside. That's probably a big one. Outside away from screens. I feel like you do those two things. Like when I focus on doing those two things, like I noticed just a massive difference. So, so those are kind of, I think timeless tips that you provided. So, but after that, so you beat cancer or you're still working? I'm guessing or I don't know exactly when you quote unquote retired from your career, but I wanna move into what I think a lot of people are wondering about, which is Kilimanjaro, the world records, that kind of stuff.
Anne Lorimor:Let me insert briefly that I did retire 20 years ago. And I think that I'm busier now than I ever was. The only thing is I have more flexibility. And Kilman. Gerald has an interesting background. When I was in high school, I read the snows of Kilimanjaro. And I thought about it. That's such, so interesting, you know, but it wasn't any on my bucket list. It wasn't a goal for me. Right. And I always thought it was interesting and I wanted to travel, but I didn't have that particular desire to do that. But then my niece and nephew a few years back said, we're going to climb Kilimanjaro. And I looked at him, I said, let me go with you, I'll say to laugh. They said, well, sure. Well why not So then I joined I mean, sorry, CEO space. And there was a man there who was the oldest person to have climbed all of the seven summons. Oh. And he was getting a group together to climb Kilimanjaro. And I got all excited and I got in touch with my niece and nephew and I said, this man's going to do it. He'll probably understand problems of older people and also have younger people. Well, they couldn't do it. So I decided I'm going to do this. And at the same time, I was starting my foundation because I feel that every kid deserves to know his options and then be given some hand up toward accomplishing live lives they love, and then my stress giving back. So I thought I'll combine the two and my love of hiking and getting some attention and hopefully donations for this. Cause I go along and I'm working up on my exercise, tried to find a trainer, couldn't find one, just kept doing my own exercise. and I got somebody at church to help me do a little brochure, and I just got it all done. I told about what was to be accomplished and when it was going to happen and all this, the day, the very day after I published that brochure, the man put it off. He says, I don't get, didn't get enough people. We're not gonna do it for a year. Well, I, as I said, when you found your focus, never ever quit, but pivot when necessary. So I said, okay, I'm keeping my money right in there. We're gonna do it So I just continued to exercise. I went up, I had a friend who house set up Northern Arizona. So I went up and she got permission for me to stay with her. And so I got some altitude ization in there, which is one of the things that stops people there. Right. And I went to Colorado and did some climbing, which I have relatives there. And so I felt that I was in pretty good shape when I went over there. Now you were a little bit inaccurate about what you said. When I first climbed, I was only the oldest woman, but four months later, another woman outdid me. Ah, okay. Vince, when I said, I'm going to climb and beat this, and I looked and I said, I'll be older than many of the men that are done. I'll be the oldest person. So when I came to probably little about a year of being ready to climb, some dentists from Colorado, his daughter talked him into going just as alar. He was older than I would've been. I said, okay, I'm putting it off one more year after this. I'm not gonna try, but one more year I'm putting it up. And he has an advantage. He lived at 9,500 feet. Here I am living down, you know, not far above the sea level in Phoenix. I hadn't really worked at that well. This time I got myself a trainer from Alliances and he was Scott Marsh. He has mind and body strengthening and he was wonderful. I always say that he tailors your program to your age, condition, and. He worked me pretty hard, but he let me do things I didn't hate. I've said that to other people. When you wanna exercise, choose something you like to do. Yeah. I mean, this is crazy Jumping jack thing. If he'd told me that I'd run, I would've, I hated that. But I, when he did have me do all kinds of elliptical machines and battling ropes and, treadmills, I don't know what all and I did that and I worked it into my daily exercise as well. So I felt really well, well trained when I got over there. Well, we had a week and I didn't get to spend as much time up north as I would've, but we did have a week of safari because I thought that'll give us a little chance to get a little bit of climate in as well as give us some interesting things to know. We stated at a camp, what they call a tent camp, and it rained for the first time in months, the day that I was there, and I stepped on a rubber mat and it went out from under me and I went crash. So I got up and I told the man, I said, you know, it might be real sensible to put in some rails cuz you do have some older people that come here, And I got on and I went on and I was in some pain but I was managing. But then when we began to do the actual climb, I think it was about the fourth day up, I just, it was getting so I couldn't stand it out. Pain was so terrible and I woke my nephew up in the middle of the night and I said, you better say some prayers for me because I said, what I need now is not just a progressive healing, I need an instant miracle cuz I mean, I have to be able to keep my oxygen up. They're gonna let me climb. So all the deep breathing past the pain that I can do and do, did it. And they tested me in the middle of the night and I tested not as size I'd been, but still passable. Okay. Yep. And I kept having to sit down, going up there and he'd say, well, maybe you ought. No, I said I, a lot of people are counting on me. I mean, I had a crew with me doing a documentary. I said, nobody wants a documentary of a failed climb. I have to do this. And I struggled. And I struggled. I finally made it, but it was not easy, And when I got home to my doctor, I found out that I actually had climbed with three broken ribs. Wow. Three broken ribs.
Bradley Roth:That's in That's crazy. Yeah. But
Anne Lorimor:I did it. Yeah, I did it. Yeah. That was the second time. That was the record. But that was the second time. And now I was, they actually had to start a new category for me. He'd always been the oldest woman and the oldest man. And of course, the oldest man was always older than the oldest woman. So now they had to gimme not only the oldest woman, but also oldest person. So I think I started a new little category there. give 12 records.
Bradley Roth:That's awesome. If someone else beats it, would you, will you try and do it again or
Anne Lorimor:is that Depends on how I feel. Yeah. Heavy. I don't wanna be stupid about it. Right. And I'm not quite what I was, but I still go out and hike every day. I go out and do my hiking every single day. And I did okay at Machu Picchu. I wasn't as good as I used to be, but I'm, I still did it, so, I dunno. I'll tell you a joke about it. When I was there, a man came to me after he got to the hotel, after I got down from my successful club and he said, you know, you beat my client out. I wanna have my picture with you. I said, fine. So I did. And he said, and I'm going to take you up when you're a. Well,
Bradley Roth:there you go.
Anne Lorimor:So I keep in mind, I mean, don't agree that it's gonna be, let's see how I feel. I'm not going to do something. I know what I can't do. But no, there was one woman that her husband had climbed years ago, and so when she heard I was gonna do it, she looked at me straight on and she says, my advice to you is to stay home But the second time she was there meeting me, and she's a good friend now, so I was pleased that I succeeded. That's
Bradley Roth:awesome. Yeah. I'm sure there was a mutual respect there with that,
Anne Lorimor:but she's wonderful. She's uh, yeah. One of the things about my program, I've taken kids on scholarships and the one group I had were extremely diverse and I'm proud of that. I had two blacks and a Polish American and the Asian, Indian American, and of Hispanic. So I had a lovely mixture. And she works at that. She got to Martin Luther King diversity award last year. Oh, that's awesome. Paradise Valley and I, and we're going to meet there next Monday and have, you know, the usual Martin Luther King luncheon and I'm really happy about that. Cause I admire what he did. Oh. And as I came through Atlanta on my way back from my holiday, they had a wonderful exhibit of his life and work in the airport cuz Atlanta was his city. Right. It was just an accident. And I got that just sort of luck came to me
Bradley Roth:to see it. That's awesome. It's funny how things just kind of line up when you do, like, when you take action, when you move forward, when you do these things right. Like
Anne Lorimor:things Yes. They call it serendipity, don't they? Yes, it does. Affirmations really helped that. And I'm meeting with a group of wonderful women from Paradise Valley toward the end of the month to plan our visual vision boards and our, what we're, what we're gonna make accomplish this year. And I feel good because I think when you put it out there, it happens. Yeah. Hundred you to never, ever quit
Bradley Roth:Yeah. Never quit and get clear about what you want. Cause I think of people very clear. Yeah. Because I think a lot of people lack clarity in what they want or they know what they don't want, you know, but they might not know exactly what they do want at times. And then the
Anne Lorimor:universe can't read that. Well, if you're telling'em what you don't want, I tell'em, this is what I want. this is the help I wanna give. These are the kind of people I'm like, no, I just, and they come. the people that I've found to help have come from other organizations that help the kind of kids I wanna help and I can add to what they do. I can do something different. Yeah. Food, clothing, shelter and safety aren't necessary for all kids. And I know child help is now over 50 years old, has helped a lot of kids that way. But what I hope to do is take some of the ones and give them a boost up to let them. See their options, do the things they really wanna do, live lives they love, and then give back. And so we're complimentary. In no way are we competing. That's how
Bradley Roth:I feel. Yeah, I love that. So how much money was raised when you climbed kil majaro?
Anne Lorimor:Not as much as I wanted cuz I'm not a good asker. We probably got around 20,000. I put a lot of it, most of it in myself, and then we used a little bit of it for the scholarships and that kind of thing. But what I would really like is an executive director that will handle that part of it. Let me go out and meet the people and do the things I enjoy doing. Talk about it. Let somebody else do the ask that gets them the money. It's
Bradley Roth:something we need to do what we wanna do. The ask and the marketing and all that goes
Anne Lorimor:into it. That, that kind of thing someone else should do. I'm a visionary. Yeah. And I love helping kids and helping animals. Well I didn't tell you that. My family is three generations of people that wanted to help people. Philanthr might call them. And now my daughter is helping dogs. So, and an animals. So I think, you know, we're four generations now and I think it'll go on down.
Bradley Roth:That's awesome. It's important
Anne Lorimor:that we give to other people.
Bradley Roth:A hundred percent. A hundred percent. So I have a couple questions just about, about that climb, because so what was the biggest climb that you had done prior to Kilimanjaro?
Anne Lorimor:I had done Pike's Peak, which is as, you know, over 14,000 feet. And I did, I think it was four other Fourteeners at the time that I was there doing it. I wouldn't commit to it. I said, let's see how I do with the one. And then I think, Uhhuh, okay, let's go do it. So we did. I don't like snow. People kept saying, ever is next, not for me. I don't really wanna do that. I don't wanna get caught in an avalanche, and I don't wanna go through the snow and freeze my fingers in my nose. And love to hike and climb. I can see doing some of the other tall mountains in America, you know, maybe Whitney and some of those but if I don't, I'm not gonna feel bad because I've had a wonderful life. Yeah, and I've done some good I didn't get a chance to tell you about some of the good that I've really done, but I will tell you there's a documentary coming out hopefully next year, maybe even this year, that will talk about my life and my climb and my organization. Oh, that's awesome. So far they're calling it an everlasting because there will be everlastings on the mountain as we climb, but that's a working title. It can very well change before it comes. Gotcha.
Bradley Roth:Well, I'll definitely look forward to that, but but we're not done yet. We still you can still talk about that for sure, but so when you did climb it the first time, was it easier than you expected? Harder than you expected about what you expected? How did
Anne Lorimor:it go The first time I was not as fast as I used to be, but I still wasn't having any real tribal trouble until I think about the third day I got. Ill, somebody brought, flew to the group and I had it, and I was moaning and groaning and agonizing, God. And my nephew was saying, oh, come on. You know, it's only another 30 minutes. Only another 30 minutes. Wasn't but I was doing silly things like yelling from my mother who had never been any particular help with climbing or anything anyway, but I just, there was still that, never, ever quit feeling in there. I couldn't quit next morning. I woke up and I was okay. I'd got whatever that thing was, it was a 24 hour flu maybe, but it was gone. Yeah. And so I managed and it was exciting both times because I'd look up and see those bright stars and they felt as if they were down around your ears. You were so high. Yeah. And there of course, we could see the southern cross, which you can't see in this hemisphere. And that was exciting. It was wonderful. I don't. and the second time AF with the pain, that was a lot worse. you had to sit down a lot more than I did the first time. Yeah. But I still managed, I knew that if you didn't keep breathing, if you get pneumonia, what they call walking pneumonia, and it's even, and now if I'd known I had broken ribs, then it filled up even more because I know that tends to make you not wanna breathe. But I just kept doing it and doing it until I got it up there.
Bradley Roth:Are you almost glad that you didn't know your ribs were broken? Like do you think that maybe you would've quit if you had known that? No.
Anne Lorimor:No. I knew I was in excruciating pain and I knew that I was struggling. I, it was astonishing when I found it out, but it wouldn't have stopped me because nowadays they don't even strap you for ribs. They just tell you, go on. They probably said, oh no, go down. Go home and go home. Don't try it. They would've said that, but they wouldn't have had me do anything at home that I wouldn't have been doing anyway.
Bradley Roth:Right. Yeah. Ribs are a tricky one like that, but
Anne Lorimor:yeah, they can stab you and stuff and I was lucky I, none of that happened. I was careful as I knew how to be, but it wasn't easy, just the same.
Bradley Roth:So how long was your training period leading up to the first climb? Was it a year, six months, more than that? No, I
Anne Lorimor:had to have done it at least two years because he put it off a year, remember? Ok. So I had to keep on training, but nobody helped me. I was doing it myself, choosing what to do. Second time, I had eight months of training with a wonderful Scott Marsh, and I still give him a lot of credit. I'm not sure that I could have made that mountain if I hadn't had his training behind me. I'm not sure.
Bradley Roth:Gotcha. That's amazing. Yeah. I think it's just a, it's such a powerful thing that people, they see, like I see people in their, all the time, I see people in their forties. Yeah. Like forties and up. Even people like in their late thirties are like, oh, you know, I'm washed up. I'm past by Prime. I'm like, I don't do that anymore. Right. I'm sure you see it all the time and you're probably like, what are you talking about?
Anne Lorimor:And I just think it's ridiculous. I'm sorry. I do. Yeah. I mean, if it depends on what matters to you, but I think it's silly to give up and what they say now is sixties, the new what, 40 or something? Yep. So people, some people at least do know we can do more than we thought we could. When I was a little girl than I read books. A man that was 40 and had lost his job just felt like the world had ended. You know? There's nothing more he could ever do, yet he was all washed out. Well, that's not true. It isn't. Yeah. And they're, and they, and I keep remembering people like some of the French writers that wrote in their eighties and things like that, you know, way back then. Yeah. So you don't have to quit and but what I think is still important, choose something that you really love. I love the saying that if you do what you love, you never work a day in your life. Yep. Isn't that great? Yeah.
Bradley Roth:It's one of those cliches they hear all the time, but it's so true.
Anne Lorimor:Well, somebody said it first and I don't know who it was, and I really like it, Yeah. Because it isn't just a cliche, it has a lot of meaning. If you really think about it.
Bradley Roth:Well, I found most, most cliches that you hear all the time, like eventually you understand that there's a lot of truth to them. So
Anne Lorimor:I'm not as much against cliches as most journalists are because I do think you're right that often you encapsulates some speculate, something that was very true.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. Yeah. A lot of times I'll hear'em or I've heard'em when I was younger and I was like, ah, whatever. And then now like I'll hear'em again and I'll be like, it clicks. I'm like, there is a lot of truth and wisdom to those cliches, most of'em. So
Anne Lorimor:I've written a couple of children's books, which haven't been published. But they do have a lot of things that sound familiar, but I think kids like that kind of thing. I think it somehow and some of it isn't as familiar to them as it is to us anyway. Yeah. So I didn't try to just be absolutely, totally different and interesting and, you know, every word I wrote to who I thought was my audience.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. I love that. So yeah, I think it's a great example that you set, like hopefully people listening to this, cuz I think everyone just about everyone is guilty at some point in their life saying, I'm too old for this, or I'm too young. To do that. You know what I mean? And so it's just I think stories and examples like yours are super important for people out there.
Anne Lorimor:Shall I repeat my little saying? Which is it's never too early to start and it's never too late to learn and grow. And I really believe that I I mean, I was on the ship, they had some musicians and most of those kids were their violin strings violins, bass, all that. They had started at four or five. Wow. Obviously their parent saw something in them and then helped them. Mm-hmm. But, you know, it's just never too early to start.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. Or I saw a few years ago, there's a guy named Caleb Maddox. He actually is in the Scottsdale, Phoenix area, and he was a self-made millionaire by 13, you know, and I remember he spoke. Yeah. And I looked and I was like, man, okay. Like, I'm not too young. Cause at the time I was in, you know, my mid twenties and I was like, oh, like everyone, I, everyone who's successful in business is older than me and, you know, those kinds of things. And then I saw that and I was like, all right, that's, I gotta, you know, get rid of that limiting belief. But I think a lot of it, right, we like aging. A lot of it is people think about it physically slowing down, but I feel like the people who slowed. Are the ones who lack some sort of goal or something that they're working towards. Right. So for you, Kilimanjaro, that was like a very clear goal that you could move towards and you did it in your late eighties. But I think a lot of people, they, you know, they go to college, they get their career, they get married, they have kids, and then it's like, okay, I hit all the check marks and I'm comfortable in my career. And then they don't find that next thing. They don't find the thing that like keeps them moving and evolving and moving looking forward. And I think that is, in my opinion, the like, would you agree that the biggest thing that you know, slows people down
Anne Lorimor:even beyond that? You know, thores saying that the majority of men lead lives of quiet desperation. And I think that's true. A lot of'em wouldn't even admit it to themselves, but I don't think they need to. I think you need to find what you really love and go for it. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:Yeah, a hundred percent I think.
Anne Lorimor:And it's out there. If you set your goals and put it out to the universe and go toward it, you can have it.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. It's not gonna come to you probably exactly when you won it or exactly how you won it. But one way or another you'll
Anne Lorimor:end up there. And you remember that I put both times, I had to put it off a year. some people would've gotten discouraged and never done it. I said, Nope, I'm doing this
Bradley Roth:Yeah, a hundred percent. Yeah. A lot of people get things pushed off by like a week and they're like, oh, forget about it. It's, you know, So it's uh, and that's sad
Anne Lorimor:if there's, it's something they really want. I remember when I was teaching journalism, one boy said to me, well, they told me that I'd never make it in journalism, so I decided to take another field. Well, I thought, well, if you are that easily discouraged, then you should take another field. Cause in journalism you have to push Yeah.
Bradley Roth:You gotta be tough. That's what, yeah.
Anne Lorimor:Well, and you gotta be willing to carry on in the face of adversity. And naysay and all those other things that people give you.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, I think that's what makes not most people, like even podcasting, like 90% of podcasters. Oh, thank you. I like your title
Anne Lorimor:very much. Not Most People Podcast. Thank you. I hope you like the one about the Women who Push the Limits. I like that title that's on the books that I told you about for sure. Do you wanna see the book again? Sure. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:Tell me a little about
Anne Lorimor:that. Women Who Push the Limits presents 50 Life Lessons from Inspiring Women, and there are 50 women in there, and I'm one of'em, and we've each written our own chapter and the editor has put it all together. And we had a meeting and I felt excited to get there, meet some of those women, and sees the things that they're doing. Every one of us in our own way does something that's not quite, was within the normal waymoth, and I love that. I think it's a book that people will enjoy. Yeah. And even when I took it on the trip with me, a couple of women bought it from me. Either that I was in their trivia year, So I felt good about that. Yeah. When did that come out? It came out in 50. Oh, what are we saying? 20 20 22. 2022. Just last year. Okay. It was just before I did my Machu Picchu climb. But the, my trip I just got back from, I did it after Christmas and over New Years from in the Caribbean. Gotcha. I was happy to show people that book cuz I think there are a lot of exciting and inspiring things in there.
Bradley Roth:I will, I'll have to get that book because I'm sure many women in there would make great guests for this show, so
Anne Lorimor:I'm sure they would. It's available from Amazon now. I gave them the advantage that I had it autographed by the publisher, the editor, I mean, and by me So they won't get that, but they'll still get all the good of the book. Yeah. That's awesome. I was excited when I went to. Alliances not long ago. I had the book with me and one man wanted it, so he got it and he's gonna put it up on his shelf with an autographed copy of Pride, the Beloved Country by Alon Peyton. I mean, I feel so that's a classic, you know, from mid-century. And so if I get to be on that same shelf, I'm gonna feel
Bradley Roth:good. That's awesome. Congratulations. Do you see yourself ever writing your own book? Yes. Yes.
Anne Lorimor:I have written one that I'm calling stories from My Life where it was with StoryWorth and I answered their question and just wrote a chapter about each question. But I would like to do a total memoir, which will be, because what I have to say, nobody else has had exactly the same experience. And so it will be interesting to people in a historical sense, and I would like to do that.
Bradley Roth:Yeah, that would be awesome.
Anne Lorimor:I just got something online right now. Five Benefits of Giving. If you go to my creating exciting futures.org, it can be ordered from there downloaded and it just talks about five benefits of giving. Cause I really believe there are benefits and I used to feel guilty about it cuz I thought I get so much pleasure outta helping people, you know, I should be doing it for an altruistic reason. I don't see any harm at all in taking pleasure in the giving that you do. I used to. Not at all. I don't anymore. take it in and realize you get benefits. They get benefits. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:Win-win. It's amazing. Exactly. So. Exactly. Yeah. So you just climbed Machu Picchu, which is another, you know, maybe not quite a Kilimanjaro, but still kind of a pretty monumental experience. So what was that like? And then what's kind of next on the horizon? Is there any other big goals on your mind right now?
Anne Lorimor:The Inca Trail is one of the five most hiked trails in the world. I didn't do it all, but we did quite a lot of it. Machu Picchu, of course, has all those wonderful old historical and spiritual aspects, which I enjoyed. I wanna go back, the gal that was with me, who was doing the documentary has had a fall since she is probably a third of my age and she's really hurting. We were supposed to go back. I'm not sure how fast we'll do that now. Yes. I haven't decided exactly, I do plan to do an parachute of an airplane. I didn't wanna do that while there was a chance of breaking myself up and not doing the big go And then I'm thinking very seriously. I would love to go to Spain and do the Sant de Campillo. Pilgrimage, I think it's just about 500 miles. And would not do as fast as some other people, but I think I could do it in a couple of months. So Wow. It's on my mind and if I do, I wanna do it again to try to promote the cause and get some con contributions for it. And
Bradley Roth:yeah. We'll do, it's a lot of things out there. Yeah. I, there's endless things that you can do, right. And yeah. If you do, but I
Anne Lorimor:am gonna I'm gonna wanna like some Bradley, I don't wanna do it unless I like some,
Bradley Roth:right. Yeah. I think that's an important thing too. I think and it's something I've thought about is a lot of people try to convince themselves that they like something or force themselves to do things a lot. And you know, obviously there's things that you're always gonna have to do some things that you don't want to do, but like, big picture wise, it's really important to like, find your thing, like what you said with exercise, if you hate it. every minute of it. Like for me, I hate running like I'm a power athlete strong, but I hate running. Like if you tell me I gotta run every day, like I'm probably not gonna stick with it very long. Right. But if you give, that's exactly it. Yeah. But if you gimme something that's kind of more in my wheelhouse that's fun at the same time, like you're just gonna find so much more success through that than you would otherwise. So
Anne Lorimor:it, it's really not hard for me to hike every day cuz I enjoy it. And I like swimming, but I gotta get back to that. I'm getting my pool resurfaced so that I can start that up again. And yeah. Of those things I'll enjoy it. Just the world's full of beautiful things and I don't, I wanna keep myself up and keep myself happy, but also I wanna keep on giving to people. And making them happy. There. There's a little poem that it hangs up on my fireplace wall and it says, let me live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man. I like that. I really like that.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. It's another one where the beau the beauty is in the simplicity of it, I think. Exactly.
Anne Lorimor:Exactly. Yeah. I do like simplicity, I always have.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. It's funny as I, you know, I mean, I'm 31, but I feel like, especially in the last couple of years I crave simplicity more and more. Like we live in a increasingly complex, fast paced world, and I'm like, man sometimes we just want the simple things, you know? And
Anne Lorimor:sometimes the people that have these horribly complex driven worlds, if they can just take a while off a couple times a year, that will help them a great deal. Just, yeah, I mean, go up into the woods. For me, nature's always spoken. And if I can just go up there and just take it on this holiday, I didn't think about anything at home. I just thought, you know, I can't do a thing about it. I'm gonna enjoy every minute Earth. And I did. Yeah I love the ocean. Arizona has so much the mountains, the deserts, the rivers, the lakes, but we don't have the ocean. And so that, I really enjoy when I get it.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. I hear you on that. Yeah, if you're, if I'm back in Arizona when you decide to do it, I'll let me know. I'll go skydiving with you cuz I, I've went once before, but I want to go again. So,
Anne Lorimor:well, you know that they have this training class out there, the Belgian military comes in every year and does it well twice a year. And my nephew handles it for them. Really? So, yes. Yes. Let's do that. I mean, I will have to undoubtedly do it in tandem with somebody and we get out there and do it for myself, but that's good enough. That's all a lot of people ever do. And I was thinking I could be maybe the oldest person, but then the first George Bush did it when he was 92. So I have to work at it a little Yep. Do it long enough to, you know, be the suck the red hard again. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:There you go. That's within reach though. You could do that. Of
Anne Lorimor:course. It is. It, yeah. And as I said, I didn't wanna do it before going, because people do fall and hurt themselves and I don't, I wouldn't do it if I thought I were going to, but on the other hand, I a chance when I had a mountain to climb. Yeah. So it really was kind of ironic that I fell at the foot of the mountain after I'd been so careful.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. Right. Life has a funny way of doing that, but yeah. So with with your foundation, one thing that you said that kind of stood out to me was you said you're trying to give kids a hand up, not a handout. Right. Was that some Yeah, exactly. You. That
Anne Lorimor:I, Want to give things kids things so that they feel entitled and all that. What I wanna do is let them know that there are those options and there are possibilities for them. I mean, kids see television, but that's the fairytale. And here I am who really was homeless and poor and all those things, and I've managed to make a decent life for myself. Yeah. And also to be able to give some back. So I want to get that to them. And some of my kids have really already, they have such good histories about things that they've done and I feel good about it. And so I wanna get somebody to be a coordinator to volunteers that'll bring in volunteers so they can get the same good feelings about helping other. And also at the same time, give those kids a boost to where they wanna go. I remember one time in Chicago, way back, I don't know, probably sixties, they started saying, if you don't have a high school education and if you get welfare, you've got to get a G E D. So they had people go to school to get their checks. They had to somehow be working toward their degree. And actually some people that have been on welfare for four generations got off. They were so proud of themselves and I was singing, this is wonderful. And then all the people came and said, no, everybody deserves a living. You have no right to demand anything from, and I heard they stopped the program and that was so. So I'm the opposite. I say, ha help people when they need it. Yeah. Everybody needs to boost it sometime in their lives, but don't get'em depending on it and feeling like, this is how it is. You gotta give me my money to live. No. Right. I'm gonna teach you how to get money to live and enjoy it if I can't. Right.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. It's the whole teaching Amanda fish instead of giving him a fish. Exactly. Mentality.
Anne Lorimor:Exactly what it is. I always love that old.
Bradley Roth:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I love that. And that's, it's something that I want to do with, you know, not most people in the future is kind of have a similar you know, foundation that focuses on education for kids and personal development and that kind of stuff. So we'll have to we'll have to talk more about that and maybe there's ways we can collaborate. I got some events coming up, that sort of thing, so, yeah. So we'll have to talk more, many ways that it
Anne Lorimor:can
Bradley Roth:be done. Yes, I definitely, yeah. So,
Anne Lorimor:let'em just watch for the documentary and watch for the book. I mean, I probably will publish the stories from my life. That's not the big thing. That's the one that's I've done for the family. And I think it'll still tell people some interesting things, but I wanna do one that really. pulls it all together and makes a good book out of it. Like I
Bradley Roth:love that. Yeah. I'm looking forward to that. So I know you the book, you got the documentary coming out at some point, but where else can people find you, social media, website? What's the best way to, to reach you or to learn more about the foundation and all that?
Anne Lorimor:If they Google and Laura Moore, they're gonna get eight pages. I was astonished myself when I saw that there's some where I've been interviewed for the media and, people have done some podcasts and various other things and people that are interested in what I'm doing. Should go. Yeah. And take a look. Just Google and Lamore get you started. I do have a, my own website, I mean my own Facebook and more and more. And there's also one creating Exciting Futures. And then I'm in on the others. I'm on alliances sometimes, then I'm on women who push the limit, you know, lots of others. if they get started, it'll sort of refer'em to the others if they really want more information.
Bradley Roth:Okay. And then I'm sure people, I know a lot of podcasters listen to podcasts and so are you open to going on other podcasts if people reach out and ask you?
Anne Lorimor:Oh, I have. I was on one recently, number seven of Amazing Arizonans, and he took a long time talking to me and I thought he gave a pretty good picture of my life and my cause. So somebody might wanna look at that. Amazing Arizonans episode number seven. It's on YouTube. Yeah.
Bradley Roth:Okay. Yeah. I'm saying also people might wanna have you as a guest. I know a lot of people who have their own podcasts, who I'm sure would love to interview you and maybe give you some more exposure for the foundation and all that. Happy
Anne Lorimor:to talk with them. But I'm just saying that was one where I was a guest. Where? Where said Amazing. Arizonas and I was episode number seven in This Sky Is a that I said he did a good job of it. Yeah. Told a lot about what
Bradley Roth:was going on. Awesome. Well, this has been a lot of fun. I've learned a lot. But I wanna ask you, before we close it out, do you have any kinda last thoughts or words of wisdom to share with the audience?
Anne Lorimor:I will just give you my three little maxims that I think say most of what I wanna say. First of all, keep yourself fit and healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Second, get deeply involved in a cause greater than yourself. One that appeals to you. And then finally, when you've found your focus. Never ever quit, but pivot when necessary. Thumbs it up.
Bradley Roth:Wow. I love that. That's a great way to wrap it up. I think those are, again we simplicity's been a theme. They're very simple, but you follow those three things, I think you're gonna be in pretty good shape. So, and thank you so much for coming on the show today. This is one that I've been excited for a long time and it did not disappoint, so I'm sure we'll be in touch beyond the podcast. And once again, thank you for coming on and sharing your wisdom and experience.
Anne Lorimor:Thank you for having me, and I'll certainly hope we do touch spaces in the future.
Bradley Roth:Definitely. So that does it for today, guys. Thank you for tuning in. If you wanna check out more of what Anne's got going on, we'll have info for you in the show notes. Or like she said, just Google her name, But again, my one ask, if you got value outta this episode, please share it with someone, especially maybe someone who, you know, needs to find that focus in life or. Maybe things are too old or too young for something, this is probably an episode that could make a big difference in their life. So please share with them and again, if you have a left review and you got value review would be greatly appreciated. So that's it guys. Thank you for tuning in. We'll see you in the next one. And always remember, don't be most people.